Your Answer


Your Answer

The Big Questions:

1. What does a torch do? When would you need a torch?

Allow your children to give their answers. A torch lights the way and shines light when it’s dark. You would need a torch if you’re camping, hiking in the dark, or maybe if the power goes out and you can’t turn on any lights.

2. How can we be like a torch? Read from Matthew 5:14 (NIV).

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can’t be hidden. Also, people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand. Then it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father who is in heaven.”

3. What is the answer to sin?

God sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to take the punishment for our sin. He died, and three days later He rose again. Through Jesus we can find forgiveness and new life, the antidote for our problem of sin. We can share Jesus with others so they can find answers in Him.

Parent At Home Activity:

Help your child cut out the shapes from the “Let your light shine” page listed below. Children can stick sections of cellophane to the back of the page to show through the cut out sections. Show them how to hold it up to the light or hold a torch behind the page to see the coloured sections illuminate.

Explanation: The world can seem like a pretty dark place sometimes, people need help, love, care and compassion. The Bible tells us we can be like a light, shining God’s light into the darkness to show His love. Let your light shine!

Memory Verse:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8-9







Light Shine Activity.png

Parent at Home Activity


Created for Us


Created for Us

The Big Questions:

1. What do you love about God’s creation?

Invite your children to share what they love about God’s creation. Ask them about places you have visited together as a family such as the beach, the mountains or different cities or countries.

God’s creation is beautiful. From the smallest bug to the biggest mountain God’s goodness is displayed. We don’t worship what God has made, what He has made make us want to worship Him!

2. How does caring for the Earth help people?

Caring for the Earth helps people to have enough resources to live, like water, trees and animals. We need oxygen, food and water to survive. God designed this amazing planet called Earth for us to live in. It’s exactly the right distance from the sun so that we wouldn’t freeze or burn up. Taking care of what God has made helps others to see His power and to live a great life.

3. What can we do to take care for God’s Earth?

We can take care of God’s Earth by not wasting the resources He has given us. Like saving water, switching off lights when we are not using them, recycling and reusing items instead of throwing them away are all ways we can take care of the Earth. Simple actions can help in a big way.

Parent At Home Activities:

Fill a paper cup or small pot with potting soil and moisten with water so that it feels damp, but not so much that it seems like mud. Sprinkle about 1 tsp. of grass seed on top of the damp soil. Sprinkle about 1 tsp. of soil over the grass seeds.

Make your pot into a person so when the grass grows it will be like hair. Use the construction paper to create lips, eyes, eyelashes and a nose. Use craft glue to stick them on the cup. The entire cup is the face. Add two arms and two legs. Place the paper cup person on a sunny window sill. Keep the grass seed watered. It will take a couple of weeks for the grass to sprout. When the grass gets too long, trim it with a pair of scissors.

Explanation: We can take care of God’s Earth and this helps His people. When you look at your grass hair person let it remind you to look after the planet because you care for people.

Memory Verse:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8-9








Be The Change


Be The Change

The Big Questions:

1. Do you think you are too young to make a difference?

We can all help people no matter how old or how young we are. Even the small things that we do can make a BIG difference. God works through people to spread His love. When we allow God to use us to show His love we make a HUGE difference in the life of that person. We can all pray for others, be kind to others, share with others and help others.

2. Has someone done something that has made a difference for you?

Share an example with your children of when someone was kind to you, helped you or did something that meant a lot to you. Invite your children to share examples of their own.

Think of how something simple, done with love and care has made a difference to you. Being given a gift for no reason, receiving a letter in the mail from a friend, a stranger paying for your family’s groceries or pastors from your church praying with you when you faced a tough time can make a big difference to our lives. These are perfect examples of God using people to spread His love.

3. What are some ways that you can show God’s love to others?

Invite your children to share practical ways that they can show God’s love. Talk about how easy it can be to bless someone else and show God’s love. We can’t do everything to help everyone but we can do something. Just like the boy who gave from what he had, (John 6:5-14) just five small loaves and two fish, Jesus fed thousands of people. The boy couldn’t feed all the people but he gave what he could.

Parent At Home Activity:

Help your child to make a ‘POINT OTHERS TO JESUS’ sign and color it using markers or pencils, hang signs in your kitchen to help remind your family this week to Point Others to Jesus!

This craft reminds us that it’s our job to point people to Jesus. Jesus can make a difference to people’s lives, and when we show others God’s love for them, we are pointing them to Jesus. We don’t help people just to make ourselves feel good, or to boast that we do good things, we help people to show them God’s love and point people to Jesus. We help them because God loves people and we do too.

Memory Verse:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8-9

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Through His Eyes


Through His Eyes

The Big Questions:

1. How does God see people?

God loves every person. He sees people as precious and valuable. God sent Jesus to Earth to show His love for every single person. He taught us how to love others and He showed His complete love for people by dying on the cross for all of our sins. Nothing people do can make God love them more, and nothing people do can make God love them less. Read together from 1 John 4:7-12 (NIV), “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

2. How do you see people?

It can be easy to see our friends and family as special and valuable because these people are important to us. But how do we see other people that we don’t know? Do we look down on others that need help? Do we think that we are better than others? More important than others? When we get to know God more we begin to see the world and see people they way He does. Describe some types of people that tend to be looked down on.

3. How can you show love to others?

It might be easy to say that you love people but they only know that we love them if we show them. Loving people is shown through our actions. If we worship God and say that we love others but then never show it, do we really love them? We show love to others by putting them and their needs before our own, by going out of our way to be kind to them or help them. We can show our love for people by doing things that help people that are in need. Choose a person that you can show love to in a creative way. Taking the time to plan something generous and kind shows that you love and care for someone. Isaiah 32:8 (NKJV), “A generous man devises generous things, and by generosity he will stand.”

Parent At Home Activity:

Help your children look at their community and identify ways that they can help others and show God’s love.

Directions: Lay out a large sheet of paper and have your children sit in a circle around it. Explain that together you are going to make a map of your neighbourhood. Draw your house, the church, neighbors, grocery store, park, school.

Talk about each location and how they are places where people are. Individuals that are valuable and precious to God. Ask, “How can we show love to the people here?” Write next to each location some ways you could help people there. For example, at the grocery store, help someone to carry their shopping bags or pay for some groceries to give to someone in need. At the park, you could invite someone to play who might be feeling lonely etc.

Explanation: Everywhere we go there are people. We love God and God is all about people. We want to show His love and connect people to God. It might be easy to think that our friends and family are precious and valuable, but when we look out in our community we can see the world through God’s eyes and His eyes see people.

Memory Verse:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8-9








On The March


On The March

The Big Questions:

1. What happened when Joshua and his men marched around the walls of Jericho? Why did this plan work?

They marched around the city once every day for six days. On the seventh day they shouted and blew their horns. The walls crumbled and they stormed the city. They followed God’s instructions and together they won the battle. The plan worked because they were obedient to what God had said. God instructed them to get together and march around the city in that way, and that’s exactly what they did. God instructs us to meet together and worship Him. When we do, we see His plan outworked.

2. What do you like about worshipping God, together as a group, when you are at church?

Share your answer with your children and invite them to share with your family..

3. What things might stop us from meeting together, and how can we make sure we keep worshipping together?

We might begin to give other things like sport, games, music and sleeping in ahead of being in God’s house worshiping with others. When we know how fantastic it is to worship God with others we will make sure we keep coming along! Don’t forget how powerful it is to combine your faith with others in worship.

Parent At Home Activities:

Help your children to make their own trumpet using a drinking straw and scissors. Give your child a drinking straw and help them to flatten at one end and cut the corners off at an angle. This creates the reed of your horn. Different angles and lengths will produce different sounds. Blow into the uncut end and see what sound your horn makes. Use funnels and pipes to change the sounds of your horn by wrapping your hand around the straw and the pipe.

Explanation: We can worship God together. Just like Joshua and the Israelites marched around the city and blew the horns, our combined worship is powerful too.

Memory Verse:

“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 146:1-2 








The Valuable Cow


The Valuable Cow

The Big Questions:

1. What did the Israelite people do when Moses was still up on the mountain?

They didn’t know when he was coming back so they convinced Aaron to melt down all the gold that they could find and make a golden cow. They began to worship the golden cow instead of worshipping God.

2. What things, in your life, are very important to you?

Allow your children to answer and then share your answers also. There are lots of things that are important to us; family, friends, school, music and sport. There are also things that we enjoy doing and we give lots of our time to them like reading, playing games, listening to our iPods and other hobbies.

3. What is the MOST important thing in our lives?

Although many things are important to us, nothing in our lives should take the place of God. We should be careful not to let anything become like an idol in our lives. God is the only one we should worship.

Parent At Home Activity:

Memory Mix Up! - Write each word of this months memory verse on a separate piece of card. To make it more challenging you could add some words that are not from the verse. Help your children to arrange the words into the correct order of the verse.

Memory Verse:

“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 146:1-2 







The Spent Scent


The Spent Scent

The Big Questions:

1. In the story of the woman with the perfume, (Matthew 26:6-13.) How did the others at the table react when they saw what the woman did?

They were mad and thought it was a waste of such an expensive bottle of perfume.

2. Did the woman care what they thought?

No, she didn’t. Passionate worshippers don’t care what others think. They worship God with all that they are and are not worried what others are thinking about them. She might have been embarrassed but, her love for Jesus meant more.

3. What should we focus on when we are worshipping? What should we not be focussing on?

When we worship, our focus is on God and praising Him. Our focus should not be on ourselves, what others are thinking or on anything that can distract us from worshipping God.

Parent at Home Activities:

Get crafty! Work together as a family to memorize this months memory verse by making a poster of Psalms 146:1-2 and then display it in your home where everyone can see it everyday!

Memory Verse:

“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 146:1-2 





