The Big Questions:

1. What do you love about God’s creation?

Invite your children to share what they love about God’s creation. Ask them about places you have visited together as a family such as the beach, the mountains or different cities or countries.

God’s creation is beautiful. From the smallest bug to the biggest mountain God’s goodness is displayed. We don’t worship what God has made, what He has made make us want to worship Him!

2. How does caring for the Earth help people?

Caring for the Earth helps people to have enough resources to live, like water, trees and animals. We need oxygen, food and water to survive. God designed this amazing planet called Earth for us to live in. It’s exactly the right distance from the sun so that we wouldn’t freeze or burn up. Taking care of what God has made helps others to see His power and to live a great life.

3. What can we do to take care for God’s Earth?

We can take care of God’s Earth by not wasting the resources He has given us. Like saving water, switching off lights when we are not using them, recycling and reusing items instead of throwing them away are all ways we can take care of the Earth. Simple actions can help in a big way.

Parent At Home Activities:

Fill a paper cup or small pot with potting soil and moisten with water so that it feels damp, but not so much that it seems like mud. Sprinkle about 1 tsp. of grass seed on top of the damp soil. Sprinkle about 1 tsp. of soil over the grass seeds.

Make your pot into a person so when the grass grows it will be like hair. Use the construction paper to create lips, eyes, eyelashes and a nose. Use craft glue to stick them on the cup. The entire cup is the face. Add two arms and two legs. Place the paper cup person on a sunny window sill. Keep the grass seed watered. It will take a couple of weeks for the grass to sprout. When the grass gets too long, trim it with a pair of scissors.

Explanation: We can take care of God’s Earth and this helps His people. When you look at your grass hair person let it remind you to look after the planet because you care for people.

Memory Verse:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8-9






