Find Us
Vibrant, passionate, selfless
Vibrant, passionate, selfless
We are a vibrant, passionate, selfless church, who want to change the world with the message of the Gospel! We want to help people find Jesus, move forward in their faith, and do something for God.
We’re an Assemblies of God church; you can find our belief statement on the Assemblies of God Official Website.
VIBRANT disciples are single-minded in their dynamic life worship of God.
PASSIONATE disciples obediently pursue Jesus.
SELFLESS disciples are willing to sacrifice comfort to demonstrate love.
We CHANGE THE WORLD with the message of the Gospel (through the power of the Holy Spirit).
Operations Director & Finance Manager / Matt Phillips / /
Cafe Manager / Chelsea Dubois /
Lead Pastors / Candace Pringle & Aaron Pringle /
FVYouth Pastor / Isaiah Stoddart /
I’m In
I’m In
“God, I believe in you. I believe you sent your son, Jesus. I accept your forgiveness in my life,
and I choose to live my life your way from today forward.”
Welcome to the family!! Let us know here!
Here are some resources that may help you with this new journey!
We usually suggest starting in John, because it’s all about Jesus’ life, and flows directly into the story of Acts, which is all about the beginning of the church. We tend to use the NLT version of the Bible, but we believe that the best version of the Bible is the one that you read!
It will help you connect to the local church, go deeper with the messages, learn the songs we sing, be challenged to go deeper in the Word, and so much more. Just search “FVChurch”.
Baptism is an announcement to the world that you’ve decided to start following Jesus, and symbolizes our death with Jesus, and our resurrection to new life with Him!
It’s all about what we believe, why we believe it, and how to go further in connecting with the church.
Don’t live near FVChurch? That’s okay! Connect with us online or message us if you need help finding a great church near you! Getting connected to a local church can make such a difference in your life!