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Spring 2025 Semester

Growth Groups at Freedom Valley are the place to move forward in your faith! This is where you can get to know more about Bible, and grow in your faith! Every attendee is encouraged to join a Growth Group or a Home Group each semester. Wednesday nights are family nights at FV, and are happening on a semester based schedule right now. We start back up again in the fall! Check out our Events page for all the Kids & Youth events!

You can sign up and get all the details right here! You are always welcome to contact Freedom Valley at (717) 624-3411 or info@fv.church for help or more information.

Check out our quarterly events as well!

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Home Groups are the best place for friendship-building and faith-building! Gathering together in homes, eating together, having fun together, and discussing spiritual growth together. No matter what your interests, your stage of life, or zip code, there's a Home Group that's great for you. Sign up here for an invitation!

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We partner with many community ministries that help people in crisis!

  • Counseling

    • FVCounseling, by Julie Stoltzfoos, provides Bible-based family and individual counseling. Call for more information: 717-398-9532.

    • Wisdom Through Encouragement, by Autumn Montgomery, offers faith-based personal healing for women and children. 717-850-3422 / amontgomery@wtehealing.org. Click here for more info.

    • Austin Prichard, austin.pritchard@intersection.church

  • Shining Stars provides special needs support and therapeutic horse riding for children and adults with special needs. Find more information here: http://www.shiningstarstr.com/

  • Growth Groups provide many support groups, GriefShare Groups, Bible Studies, financial classes, marriage classes, family development classes, even sometimes a fitness class, and more! Check this semester's listing, and sign up, above!

  • Freedom Christian Schools is an alternative Christian K - 12 school. Find more information here: http://freedomchristianschools.com/

  • The Adams Rescue Mission continues to be a blessing to the community, see all that they do here: www.adamsrescuemission.org.

  • Thrive Ministry empowers victims of Domestic Violence to find healing, strength, and freedom ont heir journey from victim to victor! Check them out here: www.thrivepa.org

  • Tender Care Pregnancy Center seeks to create a safe, non-judgmental environment where individuals can come to discuss their pregnancy related concerns. www.tendercare.org

  • Adams Christian Prison Ministries serves inmates in the Adams County area of Pennsylvania with weekly services & Bible studies. www.adamscpm.org

AppGroup Landing Page

AppGroup Landing Page

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YOU can lead a discussion group, where you talk about the sermon every week with a group of friends, from the comfort of your own home! All you need are 3 apps (or websites), and a group of 2 or more friends! Apply today using the link above!



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FVServe Teams

Freedom Valley is made up of teams of amazing people who serve and care for each other and the guests that attend every week.

No matter what age or stage of life you’re in, no matter what your gifts and talents are, no matter what you're availability is, there is a place for you here!

Click on any of the ministry departments listed to learn more about what they offer, and how you can be involved.