The Big Questions:
1. What happened when Joshua and his men marched around the walls of Jericho? Why did this plan work?
They marched around the city once every day for six days. On the seventh day they shouted and blew their horns. The walls crumbled and they stormed the city. They followed God’s instructions and together they won the battle. The plan worked because they were obedient to what God had said. God instructed them to get together and march around the city in that way, and that’s exactly what they did. God instructs us to meet together and worship Him. When we do, we see His plan outworked.
2. What do you like about worshipping God, together as a group, when you are at church?
Share your answer with your children and invite them to share with your family..
3. What things might stop us from meeting together, and how can we make sure we keep worshipping together?
We might begin to give other things like sport, games, music and sleeping in ahead of being in God’s house worshiping with others. When we know how fantastic it is to worship God with others we will make sure we keep coming along! Don’t forget how powerful it is to combine your faith with others in worship.
Parent At Home Activities:
Help your children to make their own trumpet using a drinking straw and scissors. Give your child a drinking straw and help them to flatten at one end and cut the corners off at an angle. This creates the reed of your horn. Different angles and lengths will produce different sounds. Blow into the uncut end and see what sound your horn makes. Use funnels and pipes to change the sounds of your horn by wrapping your hand around the straw and the pipe.
Explanation: We can worship God together. Just like Joshua and the Israelites marched around the city and blew the horns, our combined worship is powerful too.
Memory Verse:
“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 146:1-2