The Big Questions:
1. Do you think you are too young to make a difference?
We can all help people no matter how old or how young we are. Even the small things that we do can make a BIG difference. God works through people to spread His love. When we allow God to use us to show His love we make a HUGE difference in the life of that person. We can all pray for others, be kind to others, share with others and help others.
2. Has someone done something that has made a difference for you?
Share an example with your children of when someone was kind to you, helped you or did something that meant a lot to you. Invite your children to share examples of their own.
Think of how something simple, done with love and care has made a difference to you. Being given a gift for no reason, receiving a letter in the mail from a friend, a stranger paying for your family’s groceries or pastors from your church praying with you when you faced a tough time can make a big difference to our lives. These are perfect examples of God using people to spread His love.
3. What are some ways that you can show God’s love to others?
Invite your children to share practical ways that they can show God’s love. Talk about how easy it can be to bless someone else and show God’s love. We can’t do everything to help everyone but we can do something. Just like the boy who gave from what he had, (John 6:5-14) just five small loaves and two fish, Jesus fed thousands of people. The boy couldn’t feed all the people but he gave what he could.
Parent At Home Activity:
Help your child to make a ‘POINT OTHERS TO JESUS’ sign and color it using markers or pencils, hang signs in your kitchen to help remind your family this week to Point Others to Jesus!
This craft reminds us that it’s our job to point people to Jesus. Jesus can make a difference to people’s lives, and when we show others God’s love for them, we are pointing them to Jesus. We don’t help people just to make ourselves feel good, or to boast that we do good things, we help people to show them God’s love and point people to Jesus. We help them because God loves people and we do too.
Memory Verse:
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8-9