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"The Perfect Gift" is a 2024 FV Christmas sermon series about the gift God gave us, in Jesus, and what our response should be to Him.
"Children of the Light" is a FVChurch Fall 2024 series about how to lead ourselves toward maturity in Jesus Christ.
"Testimonies from Tanzania" is a demonstration from our Tanzania 2024 team of their street ministry!
"As For Me And My House" is a FVChurch Summer 2024 series about how to lead our households toward Jesus in a world full of idolatry.
“Your Will Be Done” is a FVChurch 2024 Spring series about the passion and submission of Jesus, to His Father’s Will, even unto death.
“Dear Church” is a FVChurch Winter 2024 series about the seven letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, and what they mean for us today.
ReWind Weekend is a yearly FV tradition on the last weekend of the year, to look back and thank God for what all that He has done.
“The Good News” is a FVChurch Christmas 2023 series about the Good News of Jesus Christ and how to share it.
“Attitude of Gratitude” is a FVChurch fall 2023 series about how gratitude affects our spiritual perspective more than we think.
“The Waymaker” is a FVChurch summer 2023 series about how we see God, and therefore how we approach Him.
“Summer in the Psalms” is a FVChurch Summer 2023 sermon series about how the book of Psalms can teach us to worship, pray, and be real in the presence of God.
"Fasting & Feasting" is a spring 2023 FVChurch sermon series about how God has built into our discipleship self-discipline, but also celebration and feasting!
"The Heart of Jesus" is a spring 2023 FVChurch sermon series about the what Jesus cared about, HOW He ministered, and how we can too.
"Light The Fire" is a FVChurch winter 2023 series about the book of Acts church, and living a life on fire with the Holy Spirit!
ReWind Weekend is an annual tradition of FVChurch, for looking back to celebrate, and planning ahead well.
"God With Us" is a December 2022 FVChurch sermon series about God sending Jesus to be WITH us, even in our messy humanity.
“Taking Ground” is a Fall 2022 FVChurch sermon series about how the church should approach taking offensive ground from the enemy in spiritual warfare.
“Freedom Isn’t Free” is a FVChurch summer 2022 series about our freedom in Christ, and what that really means in every day life.
"The Wrong Question" is a FVChurch Summer 2022 sermon series about how asking the wrong question, to the right God, is still the right thing to do.
This stand-alone message about Palm Sunday and the events of Holy Week explains 3 things that Jesus gets angry about in the Gospels: pride, fruitlessness, and faithlessness.
"Privileges" is a FVChurch spring 2022 sermon series about the privileges and responsibilities of living as a son or daughter of the King.
"The Comfort Zone" is a February 2022 FVChurch sermon series about stepping out of our comfort zones with an all-new playbook from God!
In this episode, Pastor Candace Pringle explores what it means to love the house of God, from the book of Haggai in this stand alone message.
DIFFERENT is a fall series about the apostles in the book of Acts. What made them so different from the people around them, and us today?
"Sunday Is Not Enough" is a sermon series about how our faith should be lived out every day, not just on Sunday.
WILD is a summer 2021 FVChurch sermon series about our thought life. This life is WILD. Your thoughts don’t have to be. We have to get our minds right.
Lost & Found is an FVChurch May 2021 sermon series about how to be found by Jesus, in a world that is lost, and blind to it.
#FreeTheFuture is a March 2021 FVChurch sermon series, about letting go of the past and pressing on toward what is ahead.
"The Wellspring" is a February 2021 series from FVChurch about allowing the Holy Spirit to flow from you, onto the world around you.
In this message, Pastor Candace Pringle explores Jesus' words about taking up our crosses, from Matthew 16.
In this message, Pastor Candace Pringle explores the story of Israel's trust in the Lord through the Jericho battle, from Joshua 6.
In this message, Pastor Candace Pringle explains how we need to consult the Lord with our decisions, because the deception of this world is wildly effective, from Joshua 9.
In this message, Pastor Candace Pringle explores Israel's obedience, from Joshua 5.
In this message, Pastor Candace Pringle explains how living honest lives can change everything for our families, from Joshua 7.
In this episode, Pastor Candace Pringle explores how to lead our households and be set apart by God, from Joshua 24.
This was FV's 3rd annual Rewind Weekend, where we look back over the year and celebrate all that God has done!
"The Christmas Spirit" is a December 2020 sermon series all about what the Christmas spirit really means from a Biblical perspective, through the eyes of the "bad guys" of famous Christmas movies and stories.
Battle Fatigue is a fall 2020 sermon series about how to remain faithful and fruitful even amidst long battles and tough losses.
Silence is a fall 2020 sermon series from FVChurch about culture, silence in the face of injustice, and how to engage in the conversation.
Fierce is a summer 2020 sermon series about how the early church maintained a fierce focus on the mission of Gospel and how we can too.
The early church didn’t brag about their accomplishments. They bragged on Jesus, and they bragged on their persecutions in his name. What can the modern church learn from that example?
EPIC Weekends are all about learning from the gift of the evangelist, which God has given the church!
We are in an unprecedented season, but bravery runs in our family, we have nothing to fear, we've been called for such a time as this. Let's enter into the unknown with faith!
“Privileges” is a 2020 FVChurch sermon series confronting our beliefs about giving, tithing, and generosity. We see giving to God as a privilege, not an obligation, but what does that really mean? Why does God ask for me to give, and what does living a generous life look like?
“Temper Temper” is a 2020 FVChurch sermon series all about learning how to be angry about the things that Jesus was angry about, and only those things.
Souls to Save is a 2020 FVChurch sermon series asking the questions: If we are a vibrant, passionate, selfless church, what are we to do with that identity? How are we going to change the world with the message of the Gospel?
A look behind, and a look ahead! Thank you God for all you did in 2019!
“If you believe that something is written in the stars, you believe that it will be made to happen by a force that controls the future.”
There is a FORCE that controls the future--and his name is Jesus.
We all want breakthrough. We all want victory. What does God’s victory look like?
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
EPIC Weekends are about learning from the gift of the evangelist!
The Couch Potato is about how love must be demonstrated. It’s about the love of our Father, and the love we should reflect to others. How do we remain well-rounded disciples, always following the voice of the Holy Spirit?
It's our 3rd annual Church Camp Sermon Series, and this year we'll be teaching how to be a vibrant, passionate, selfless church, who wants to change the world with the message of Gospel! We'll be bringing Church Camp home with silly games, s'mores, the very breath of God!
DEEP DIVE’s are stand alone messages, where the speaker can communicate whatever God lays on their heart!
FULL HEART GREAT GAIN is about looking at the world through Christ’s eyes, not your own.
Why is there evil in the world? And what can we do about it?
Why does God allow us to go through battles in our lives? How can we overcome them?
“But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!” 2 Chronicles 20:17
You can't just be a follower forever...at some point, you must mature into also MAKING disciples.
In a world that runs at the first sight of trouble, and quits at the first whisper of adversity, be the one that stays.
Why is it important to take church seriously? Why did Jesus have such a passion for the House of God? Hebrews 10:25 says, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” What can we do today to mirror that passion?
Wonder causes news to spread, learning to be motivated, questions to be asked, and prophecies to be believed.
What role does "wonder" play in your relationship with God?
Do you have a calling from God? Do you want one?
In this series, we examine how God calls individuals into His service, who He calls us to be, and our unique calling as a church.
You're one decision away from a completely different life. What if that decision led you down a path you didn't like? In this series, we examine the lives of 4 Bible character who went wayward, and how to avoid the same mistakes.
"The Bait of Satan" is a winter 2025 FV sermon series based on John Bevere's study about the trap of offense.