Acts 1:1-5
”In my first book I told you, Theophilus, about everything Jesus began to do and teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven after giving his chosen apostles further instructions through the Holy Spirit. 3 During the forty days after he suffered and died, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. And he talked to them about the Kingdom of God.
4 Once when he was eating with them, he commanded them, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. 5 John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus said you need the baptism in the Holy Spirit! It’s a gift!
Think differently
Act differently
Speak differently
Acts 1:6-8
”So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”
7 He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
It gives you power to testify about Jesus.
“9 After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him. 10 As they strained to see him rising into heaven, two white-robed men suddenly stood among them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!”
Vs. 11. Why are you standing here?
Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Power for Ministry
John, the forerunner of Jesus, says in all four Gospels that he is baptizing in water, but when the Messiah comes, He will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
>>Matthew 3:11 >> Mark 1:8 >>Luke 3:16 >>John 1:33
On several occasions, Jesus talks to His disciples about the Helper - the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit - that will come in His place after His death, resurrection, and ascension. The plan of Jesus was to multiply Himself and send out the disciples on the same mission. The Greek word for Helper, parakletos, means “someone that assists in stirring up an army.”
>>Luke 24:49 >>John 15:26, 16:13-15 >>Acts 1:5, 8
Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts
Jesus wants to totally cover us with His Spirit. In the same way, a person is covered by water at the time of baptism in water. This is what it means to become baptized in the Holy Spirit. It is possible to go to heaven just by faith in Jesus, but it is impossible to serve Him fully here on earth without being clothed with power from on high. The Book of Acts describes six occasions where people were baptized in, or filled with, the Holy Spirit mostly in connection to repentance and baptism in water.
>>Jerusalem, Acts 2:1-18, Acts 4:31 >>Samaria, Acts 8:14-21 >>Damascus, Acts 9:17
>>Caesarea, Acts 10:44-46 >>Ephesus Acts 19:6-7
Practical Questions
Let’s study examples of baptism in the Holy Spirit from the Book of Acts
When did the baptism in the Holy Spirit take place in the first church?
Immediately in connection to repentance and water baptism (Acts 19:5-6)
In response to eager and persevering prayer (Acts 2:1-4, 4:31, 8:14-16
In connection to preaching the Word (Acts 10:43-46
Through the apostle’s hands, a transmission of power (Acts 8:17, 9:17-18)
What was the experience like?
In the Book of Acts, no baptism in the Holy Spirit is like another. The Holy Spirit is sovereign!
Everyone has an experience, but it is individual and unique for each one of the disciples.
Speaking in Tongues:
The gift of speaking in tongues is written in plural in the original text. There are at least 3 ways of speaking in tongues—one for personal edification and two prophetic purposes.
Does everyone speak in tongues when they are baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Most of the time, this specific spiritual gift was released at the time of baptism in the Holy Spirit. In Acts 19, the disciples were prophesying as well. My experience is that 99% of people start speaking in tongues.
You cannot speak in tongues without being baptized in the Holy Spirit, but it is possible to be baptized int he Holy Spirit without having started to speak in tongues yet. If you have no started speaking in tongues, or are unsure if you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, simply ask God for this gift, receive it in faith, and begin to speak!
Can everyone speak in tongues?
Yes, everyone can speak the type of tongues for personal edification (Mark 16:17).
Not everyone speaks in prophetic tongues (1 Corinthians 12:10, 30).
Why should someone speak in tongues?
It builds up our spiritual life and makes us strong in faith (1 Corinthians 14:2,4,18).
It helps us in prayer when we do not know how to pray (Romans 8:26, Jude 20).
Advice when using the gift of speaking in tongues
Speak in tongues often (1 Corinthians 14:18, 39-40)
Pray that you will get the gift of interpretation, so that you can build up others (1 Corinthians 14:5, 12-13, 19, 26)