2 Timothy 2:1-13

Grace means undeserved favor. Just as we are saved by grace [underserved favor], so we must live by grace [undeserved favor]. This means trusting completely in JESUS and his power, not trying to live in our own strength alone.

Can you imagine our soldiers, our US soldiers throughout the world operating on their own strength??  They’d be crushed. There’s probably not enough of them in any given country around the world right now, to overtake an enemy all by themselves.  But they aren't operating by themselves are they??

They have BACK UP.

1. Wear the uniform (the uniform is grace)

2. Endure the training (the training is suffering)

Remember a few weeks ago, when I talked about how we’re always trying to do the LEAST. 

What’s the least amount I can get away with, and still follow Jesus?
What’s the least amount I can give to God, and still be obedient? Do I tithe on my net or on my gross??
What’s the least amount I can like someone, and still love them?
What’s the least amount I can go to church and still show God I am on his team?

What’s the LEAST…

That’s a civilian worry.  

Soldiers don’t get the luxury of asking that question. 

Civilians worry about all kinds of things that don’t matter to a soldier.

I think sometimes we pray away the things that are meant to prepare us.  We COMPLAIN bitterly about things that God is USING to prepare us.

3. Follow our commander (our commander is JESUS!)

The world doesn’t mind a church who is doing nothing.  Taking no ground.  Not fasting, and NOT praying, not preaching the Gospel.

Good soldiers know their mission.  PRAYING and PREACHING.

They wear the uniform, representing their undeserved favor. 
They endure their training, suffering with forgiveness like Jesus.
And they obey their commander’s voice, tuning it with ferocity to the voice of Jesus.
