Rebuilding Our Spiritual Walls by Fulfilling the Great Commission - In the power of the Holy Spirit! (Psalm 11:3) - if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?

Nehemiah 2:17-18, Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

Nehemiah prays to God after being broken in his spirit over the condition of Jerusalem, takes a major risk by asking the King to rebuild, and then returns to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls after the Babylonian exile.

Spiritual Parallel: Just as Nehemiah led the rebuilding of physical walls, we are called to rebuild the spiritual walls of our communities by fulfilling the Great Commission.

Purpose: To draw connections between Nehemiah's mission and our mission as believers (share the beginning story of Bethany and the same process that God brought her through to start Collision). 

I. Recognizing the Need for Restoration

Nehemiah’s Burden (Nehemiah 2:17):

  - Nehemiah saw the broken walls and rallied the people: “You see the trouble we are in… Come, let us rebuild.”

  - Spiritual Implication: Recognize the brokenness in our lives, churches, and communities - this brokenness especially impacting the next generation.


  - Acknowledge lostness in our community by intentionally praying and receiving God’s heart for lost souls, the spiritual condition of our community, and the brokenness that has resulted.

  - Understand that restoration begins with seeing the need. 

II. Uniting in the Mission (Nehemiah 2:18)(John 17). 

Collaborative Effort:

  - Nehemiah encouraged the people to work together: “Let us start rebuilding.” They replied, “Let us start rebuilding,” so they began this good work.

  - Connection to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20): Jesus commands us to “go and make disciples of all nations,” a collective mission. 

  • Students united in the same great commission effort, the adults doing the same thing, modelling for them, encouraging them, and holding them accountable for their mission field. 


  - Embrace the call to work together as the body of Christ and take ownership of this community. 

  - Each believer has a role in the mission of evangelism and discipleship in our own homes with our children first and then expanding out to be spiritual mothers and fathers - especially to the younger generation. 

III. Being Ambassadors for Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:14-21)

Christ’s Love Compels Us:

  - Paul’s message: “For Christ’s love compels us… We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors.”

  - Our Role: As ambassadors, we represent Christ in the world, calling out (like John the Baptist) to our friends, neighbor’s, family, and those who God puts around us to be reconciled through the blood of Jesus.


  - Live out our faith with the urgency and dedication of an ambassador. Being willing to submit to each other to accomplish the mission! 

  - Commit to share the message of reconciliation (the gospel), embodying Christ’s love and truth in our daily lives. Our Collision challenge of sharing the gospel with 12 and making three disciples. 

Call to Action:

  - Recognize lostness, the spiritual state of our community, and the areas of brokenness among the next gen. 

  - Unite as a community in the mission of restoration through evangelism & discipleship, this is the purpose of the Church! 

  - Live as ambassadors for Christ, fulfilling the Great Commission with passion, purpose, and intentionality. Commit to prayer, care, & share and hold each other accountable to do it. 
