So what do I want you to see today:

  1. God sometimes seems to lead us to a dead end. But He knows what He's doing.

    1. When you’re in slavery, you think everyone is either a slave or a master. But there’s a third option. Being a son or a daughter of the master. We are all out there trying to be KING, instead of sons and daughters of the king.  We’re still in a slavery mindset…instead of a FAMILY mindset.  A KINGDOM mindset. 

  2. If you can trust and obey…

    1. Simple obedience, not more spirituality, is what God is asking of you.

  3. He will fight your battles

    1. He is the Waymaker, but you have to be doing your part.

    2. Do you trust Him enough to be led to a dead end, if He asked you to…
