Daniel 6

Daniel had a REGULAR prayer life.  It wasn’t just in crisis. 
Daniel had a FAITH FILLED prayer life.
He knew who His source was.

Job: “Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him.” 
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego:“
Our God will deliver us, but EVEN IF HE DOESN’T!!!”
Jesus: “
Let this cup pass from me, but your will be done.” 
Man asking Jesus for a miracle:
“I believe, but help my unbelief..”

“the necessary ignorance of man”...there are some things that are NOT for you to know. More knowledge does not always equal more obedience.

Faith can look like:
Trusting God even when you don’t a little bit…
Obeying even when there’s nothing in it for you.

The faith of a mustard seed is so powerful, because it just believes. There may not be any show-boating or loud declarations or preaching about it…it just shows up at the bottom of the mountain with a shovel, knowing that eventually, if it keeps showing up with a shovel, the mountain will be moved!

And what I have learned about the character of God is…when we’re praying for a mountain to be moved, He’s the one handing us the shovel.
