Spiritually, sometimes we think we know how we would handle a parenting situation, but we’re not often the parent. Spiritually, we’re the kid throwing a tantrum.
Where is God when I need Him?
It would only have taken one day for Jesus to go see Lazarus.
Every person is either going into a storm, in the middle of the storm, or coming out of a storm.
John 11:1-44 (you don't have to put the scripture up, just the reference)
Love waits: We think Love must act immediately, but sometimes delay brings greater blessing.
Every move that God makes is either in response to love, or because of love.
Verse 31 & 32: “Lord, if you had only been here.“
God is not restrained by time like we are, He responds at the RIGHT time
Our faith develops out of the most difficult aspects of our existence; not the easiest
Maybe the waiting is so that I don’t substitute ANYTHING for what Jesus can give. Sometimes we’re so wrapped up in what’s going on that we miss what God is doing God’s delays are not always God’s denials.
2. Love Hears and Responds: God’s love keeps His ears open to our cries (Psalm 116:1-2)
God’s love is always looking out for our good, but also for His glory. And sometimes what we want isn’t the BEST for us.
In Jewish tradition, when someone passed away, your spirit would leave your body, but be tethered to you for about 3 days.
Our God makes the impossible possible.
Jesus is the OPPOSITE of death, He is LIFE.
You want more life? Cling to Jesus and don’t let go.
How long have you been between miracles?
“I can’t WAIT to see how Jesus handles this! I can’t wait to see how Jesus breaks through.”
Some of the things we are trusting God to resurrect are things He has destined to die so that a better thing can be brought to life.
3. Love Sees and Comforts: Troubles are a very real part of our lives – for most of us, they can plague our every day and keep us in fear.
Fear distracts us from the Lord and keeps us in bondage.
It is Christ, not culture, not trouble, that defines our lives. It is the help we experience, not the storms we weather that shape our days.
The difference between His response and our response is that HIS response is always better.
Are you willing to trust God even when the answer to your prayer is not even in your lifetime like Abraham?
4. We just need to move from a “Lord if…” mentality to a “Yes, Lord, I believe.” response.
Some Next Steps:
Join a small group.
Write down what you’re waiting on from God
Spend some time this week listening to God, not just talking at Him
Write down Philippians 4:8-12
Come back next week and continue to growth through this series.