verse 1: 1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Interesting that he equates having favorites to faith!

verses 2-4: judgements guided by evil motives vs judgements guided by? / spiritual abuse issues, we’re representing God, when WE judge, people feel judged by God, when we judge them

verses 5-7: The rich young ruler

verses 8-9: our heart is shown that we favor the most, the things that mean the least.

verses 10-11: all sin is sin. we all have something!

verses 12-13: mercy triumphs over judgement! but the person who shows mercy can stand without fear of judgement. Matthew 18:21-35

  1. Read James 2:1-13

    1. James is writing to an economically depressed community. Why would favoritism be a problem in this setting?

    2. For what reasons does James oppose favoritism? What is the “law” It’s purpose? Its consequences?

    3. Who are the people with “gold rings” for you? The rich? Powerful? Athletic?

    4. Who are “the poor”? The uneducated? Those of another race? What would change if you applied the “royal law” with them? If society as a whole did?

    5. How has favoritism in Christian circles affected you?

verses 14-16: don’t just TALK about God, and don’t act like God! don’t be a hypocrite. Luke 10 Good Samaritan passage.

verse 17: belief + action = faith

verse 18:

verses 19-20:

verses 21-24:

verses 25-26:

  1. Read James 2:14-26

    1. Pretend the scene in verses 15-17 happened in your church this Sunday. Role play how a “faith wihtout works” approach differs from a “faith with works” one. What is the underlying problem here? The solution?

    2. How do Abraham and Raha prove Jame’s point?

    3. How is Paul’s argument in Romans 3:28 different from James’ point in 2:24?

    4. If you were arrested for being a Christian, what evidence could be used to prove the point? From 1:22-27, and 2:14-17, what further evidence do you want to provide this week?


  • Read James 3:1-12

    • Why is a more strict judgement placed upon teachers? How does this warning relate to taming the tongue?

    • What do the three illustrations here (horses’ bit, ship’s rudder, fire’s spark) each reveal about the tongue’s power?

    • Judging from the next set of illustrations (v11-12), how is it possible for human beings to both curse others and praise God? What does this say about the tongue? About human nature? About hope for change?

    • When do you feel like your tongue is “set on fire by hell”? What have you found helpful in controlling your tongue? In changing the source of its spring (v11)?

  • Read James 3:13-18

    • How do these two kinds of wisdom differ as to their source? Their symptoms? Their results?

    • Where do you need heaven’s wisdom? How is “earthly wisdom” hurting you? What cultivates heavenly wisdom?
