verse 1: think about who we know James to be. He’s the leader of Jerusalem church…the “prime minister” if you will…but he doesn’t list that as his qualifications. He’s also the brother of Jesus Himself, and yet, we don’t see that listed here either. “Those who are highest in office or attainments in the church of Christ are but servants. They should not therefore act as masters, but as ministers.”
Though His people are scattered…they are still HIS. He will still look after them. So whether you feel lost or found today, He still sees you.
verses 2-4: WHEN troubles come, not IF. LET endurance grow. It will happen naturally as we stay in the moment, and stay joyful. The word opportunity helps us see the hope in it.
verses 5-8: “We should not pray so much for the removal of an affliction as for wisdom to make a right use of it.” God always gives wisdom when asked. GOD’S wisdom, not everyone else’s wisdom.
verses 9-11: “Both these are allowed to rejoice. No condition of lie puts us out of a capacity of rejoicing in God. If we do not rejoice in him always, it is our own fault….Worldly wealth is a withering thing. Riches are too uncertain, too inconsiderable things to make any great or just alteration in our minds.”
verses 12-15: “Afflictions cannot make us miserable, if it be not our own fault. A blessing may arise from them, and we may be blessed in them” Dokimos meaning.“ We only bear the cross for a while, but we shall wear the crown to eternity.” The Word gives us no excuses!
verses 16-18: He never changes. Everything good we have comes from Him. Casts a shifting shadow = wishy washy, shadows can be frightening, He’s not manipulating and tricking We are His prized possession!
Read James 1:1-18 / Trials and Temptations / and consider the following:
How does James view hardships? How do you view them?
How is “wisdom” needed in those times? What are the conditions for receiving wisdom? Why?
What would a person in humble circumstances have to take pride in? What is “low” about a rich person position?
What is the practical difference between trials and temptations? How would you illustrate the process in verses 14-15? How is this related to the gifts from God?
verses 19-21: Less reacting, and more thinking. Slow to speak. “Practice the pause.” What does God get made about? Faithlessness and fruitlessness.
verses 22-25: We can forget and let it go in one ear and out the other, or we can meditate on, dissect it, dig into it.
verses 26-27:
Read James 1:19-27 / Listening and Doing / and consider the following:
Illustrate what it means to be “quick to listen”. How does this produce the “righteous life that God desires”?
What is the point of the mirror image? How is this point reflected in worthless or pure religion?
Think of one significant relationship you have. What would change if you had applied verses 19-20 with that person this week?
What aspect of God’s Word here will you put into action this week?
Read James 2:1-13
James is writing to an economically depressed community. Why would favoritism be a problem in this setting?
For what reasons does James oppose favoritism? What is the “law” It’s purpose? Its consequences?
Who are the people with “gold rings” for you? The rich? Powerful? Athletic?
Who are “the poor”? The uneducated? Those of another race? What would change if you applied the “royal law” with them? If society as a whole did?
How has favoritism in Christian circles affected you?
Read James 2:14-26
Pretend the scene in verses 15-17 happened in your church this Sunday. Role play how a “faith wihtout works” approach differs from a “faith with works” one. What is the underlying problem here? The solution?
How do Abraham and Raha prove Jame’s point?
How is Paul’s argument in Romans 3:28 different from James’ point in 2:24?
If you were arrested for being a Christian, what evidence could be used to prove the point? From 1:22-27, and 2:14-17, what further evidence do you want to provide this week?