So I couldn’t be with you all this week, I hope you had great conversations, but I have a GREAT message and assignment for you anyway!
From our Propel Curriculum:
“No matter who you know here on earth, you also have a personal invitation to know the Leader. Every day you have an opportunity to tap into the power of God and build a relationship with Him through prayer. You can’t do a networking lunch with God, but you can talk to Him while you eat. You can’t invite Him to speak at your board meeting, but you can listen for His wisdom while you plan. You can’t see God, but He is always present and always looking forward to hearing from you.
Prayer might already be a significant part of your life and leadership, or this may be a new idea for you. Wherever you find yourself, this session will offer some new insights on why we pray, how we pray, and why it matters.”
Read Philippians 4:6-7
Is it freeing to know you don’t have to have the perfect words—or a perfect life—before you can pray?
So often we approach prayer as a shopping list of things we want. How could a focus on gratitude change the way you pray?
Do you think God really cares about the details of your life?
Read Matthew 6:9-13
What is Jesus trying to teach you about prayer through this passage?
Read this passage in a different version. Anything jump out at you in a different way?
How could you get better at praying?