Acts 2:42-47
“Vibrant disciples are single-minded in their dynamic life-worship of God.”
Vibrant = colorful, dynamic, passionate, full of life! Opposite of dull, colorless, tasteless. We are to be the SALT and LIGHT of the world! Matthew 5:13-16
disciples = following JESUS
single-minded = NOTHING can get us off track. NOTHING can separate us from the love of the Father. NOTHING can distract us, or confuse us. We have JESUS. “To whom would we go, YOU have the words of life!” John 6:68-69
dynamic = adjective
1. (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
"a dynamic economy"
2. (of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.
"she's dynamic and determined"
life-worship = it’s EVERYTHING we do, not just one thing. It’s centering yourself and everything you do around HIM and HIS will for your life. Romans 12:1-2
of God = obviously, HE is the most important part of this equation. And where we place our worship is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to life itself.
VIBRANT disciples are single-minded in their dynamic life-worship of God.
Renew vibrancy. (our responsibility is to renew vibrancy. Just meaning we stay connected to the source. We can walk away at any time…we can disconnect from the source for all kinds of things…that’s what Satan WANTS, don’t let him do it! Don’t blame it on him either. He’s a liar, but he’s not that creative in his lies. They’re only easy to believe when we WANT to believe them. The second we don’t want to anymore, it’s very easy to see that they’re lies)
PASSIONATE disciples obediently pursue Jesus.
Feed your passion. (we do that by being obedient. Obedience produces passion, passion produces obedience.)
SELFLESS disciples are willing to sacrifice comfort to demonstrate love.
Practice selflessness. (we practice…because it’s hard. But practice makes perfect…we flex the selflessness muscle, and it becomes stronger. We have to practice to expose more selfishness honestly, because it’s a deep well of selfishness in our souls. We don’t always recognize when we’re being selfish. So we practice. And correct as we go. The best example of this is like with toddlers…babies are the most selfish creatures on the planet! They’re also innocent of course, because they don’t know any better yet. They just know what THEY need, and don’t care what anyone else needs. We, as parents, have to TRAIN them how to not be selfish. It takes YEARS and lots of practice, right? Same is true for us as adults, and as disciples. We practice.
We CHANGE THE WORLD with the message of the Gospel.
(by the power of the Holy Spirit) There is nothing else that WILL change the world, first of all. The Gospel is THE most powerful thing on this planet! It’s the most world-changing, life-changing thing that there is! And we NEED the Holy Spirit at work within us to accomplish this. Because WITH God anything is possible, without Him, nothing is possible.