Passionate disciples are obedient disciples.

Matthew 26:31-46

PASSION burns away everything else. It REFINES

Passion breeds obedience.  Obedience breeds passion.  It’s cyclical. Passion is already being stirred up.  Passion for Jesus.  So passion for other things must fall away.

Jesus ALREADY has a plan for AFTER they desert Him!! He’s ALREADY CALLING THEM BACK TO HIMSELF before they even mess up!!!!  

You can sound passionate, but not BE passionate.

Fighting is the easy part for fighters.  Losing is HARD.  And that’s exactly what Jesus did.  He chose to lose that battle.  He chose to put Himself on that cross.  He CHOSE to let them nail him to a tree.

The WILL of God is not static.  It’s not singular.  Not like our plans…He has CONTINGENCIES!

Jesus wasn’t committed to the cross, for the cross’s sake–EVEN THOUGH THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A VERY GOOD THING TO BE COMMITTED TO–Jesus was committed to the WILL of the Father.  

I OFTEN wonder if Peter would have been able to stand by Jesus if He had been able to keep watch and pray here. 

How many cups of suffering do we knowingly drink from?

I love how Jesus follows his own advice…you can see it here! Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.  He taught the disciples how to pray by being repetitive… He practices what He preaches!!

Here’s what we see from Jesus:

  • An all out SUBMISSION to the heart of the Father. 

  • An obedience to WHATEVER the Lord has assigned to Him. 

  • The ability to deny HIMSELF to do what needs to be done. 

Are we REALLY ready to say yes to Jesus today?
