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Jonah 1:1-3

Jonah 4:4

Jonah 4:9

Jonah 4:1-11

The most famous runaway. Jonah! Had some issues with what God had called him to do.

Jonah says no through his actions.

You can always find a boat sailing in the wrong direction from the call of God.

Why did Jonah say no? Nineveh was the sworn enemy of Israel. (Awful, gruesome enemies)

My disobedience does not only affect me, but the people around me.

Delayed disobedience is still disobedience.

When we need to get back on track, God will take you back to exactly where you need to be.

There are people in your life that are just waiting for you to be obedient!

There’s an entire group of people just waiting on your YES!

Have you any right to be angry about this?

We have to remember our place.

The story of Jonah isn’t about Jonah, it’s about the people of Nineveh.

What about the great city of Nineveh?

The story isn’t finished, because WE have to end it. We have a calling to go and preach!! Life is about Nineveh!

Jesus is for everyone, Everywhere, for all time.

If we want Jonah to have a better ending, we’re gonna have to write it ourselves.

If we want revival in our community, it starts with revival in our hearts.
