God is more concerned with your LONG TERM FAITH, than your short term escape.
Exodus 12:40-42
God is our RESCUER and strength!
Exodus 13:4-16
4 questions:
On all other nights we eat either leavened or unleavened bread. On this night, why do we eat only unleavened matzah? (Traditionally, matzah is hard thin square wheat crackers or a softer thicker matzo bread made by hand from a watery wheat batter.)
Answer: To remind us of the haste with which our ancestors left Egypt.
On all other nights we eat all kinds of herbs. On this night, why only bitter herbs?
Answer: To remind us of the bitterness of slavery.
On all other nights we do not dip our herbs even once. On this night, why do we dip them twice?
Answer: Some say to remind us of our coming and going from Egypt.
On all other nights we eat sometimes sitting and sometimes reclining. On this night, why do we all recline?
Answer: To remind us of how free people relax.
What you celebrate matters!
Create a moment to celebrate.
Celebrate Jesus.