So far we have covered:


  1. Jesus spent a lot of time and energy setting people free from demonic influence

  2. Jesus always told all of his representatives to set people free from demons as a part of their mission.

Matthew 4:1-11

Here is a list of things Jesus would ALWAYS do when it came to demons:

(1)He would operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:28
(2)He would rebuke the demons, but rescue their victim
(3)He would speak and give orders to the demons and they would obey him.
Mark 1:23-27
(4)He would exercise absolute authority over every demon
(5)He had a 100% success rate for any person that wanted to be free (sometimes they resisted…but He always won)

Here is a list of things Jesus would SOMETIMES do when it came to demons:

(1)He would sometimes have brief conversations with the demons to gather information before casting them out
(2)He would sometimes have brief conversations with the afflicted person or a family member to gather information
(3)He would sometimes compel the demon(s) to identify themselves

Here are a list of things Jesus NEVER did:

(1)He never prayed for God the Father to make the demons leave
(2)He never told his followers to “pray” for God the Father or Jesus to drive out the demons
(he told them to cast them out, not pray about it.) Matt 10:8
(3)He never backed down, retreated, or gave up
(4)He never rebuked the person that was being harassed by demons, or made them feel guilt, shame, or condemnation
(5)He never had counseling sessions where he dug up the person’s past
(6)He never mentioned anything about generational curses, soul ties, etc
(7)He never forced, controlled, or overrode the free will of anyone
(8)He didn’t complicate it.

Here is the basic breakdown of the “Jesus Deliverance Method”

  1. Identify the problem by revelation from the Holy Spirit, by observation, or through brief conversation

  2. Evict the demon(s) by using His authority

Matthew 8:16-17

Mark 5:1-17

What does this mean for us?

  1. Stand on His authority. 

  2. Don’t be afraid. Be bold! Be direct.

  3. Deliverance is a natural byproduct of sharing the Gospel. (not the other way around)
