Times Jesus Fed People:

  1. Feeding of the 5,000 - Jews - Mark 6:30-45

  2. Feeding of the 4,000 - gentiles - Mark 8:1-10

  3. Water to wine - John 2:1-10

  4. Peter on the beach - John 21:1-14

  5. The Last Supper - Mark 14:12-26

What does this mean for us?

  1. He is the provider, and He has more than enough.

  2. He’s moved with compassion when His people are hungry.

  3. He is the bread of life.

Loneliness -30%
Anger -32%
Bitterness in relationships -40%
Alcoholism -57%
Feeling spiritually stagnant -60%
Pornography -61%

Sharing your faith +200%
Discipling others +230%
