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I Will Send A Hunger In The Land! 

You can hunger for the good things in life, but you can also hunger for bad things! Depends on what you‘ve been fed.

Genesis 25:27-34

Esau was living by his cravings. Despised his birthright. Jacob was cheating. Neither will get you anywhere in life.

Amos 8:11

Not a hunger for food or water, but for hearing the words of the Lord.

John 6:25-27, 32-35

Mark 7:27-29

Jesus is interested in our natural cravings, and our spiritual.

Offense is only there when we think we have food. When we’re starving, we aren’t offended. You won’t find a perfect church! Humans will let you down. Go to church because you are in love with Jesus. You can’t be man-focused and expect to receive the bread of life.

There needs to be more hunger in you than fear!

Christianity is not a culture, it’s a person!

God loves to respond to HUNGER. Hunger = faith. Hunger will release the supernatural.

Don’t give your time to people who know it all spiritually. Give your treasure to the hungry!

There is a life that is possible to live but it’s impossible to do without desperation and hunger!

I was not picky about the worship, that is something that comes when you’re too fed.

People are asking me all the time when I come to America, what’s your opinion on this preacher…do I have to have one?? I’m too busy preaching the Gospel…
