Series for year:

  • Unqualified

    1. …about the qualifications God uses to call us into service of Him.

  • The Comfort Zone

    1. …about stepping out of our comfort zones with an all-new playbook from God!

  • Privileges

    1. …about the privileges and responsibilities of living as a son or daughter of the King.

  • Made New

    1. …about how Jesus makes all things new!

  • The Wrong Question

    1. …about how asking the wrong question, to the right God, is still the right thing to do.

  • Freedom Isn’t Free

    1. …explains the true meaning of freedom in the Kingdom, from Acts 16. 

  • Suit Up

    1. …describes the supernatural world, and how to be on guard against the enemy. 

  • Taking Ground

    1. …about how we go on the offensive spiritually, taking ground by spreading the love of Jesus.

  • God With Us

    1. …about God sending Jesus to be WITH us, even in our messy humanity.

Photo Quiz Questions:

  1. What holiday were we celebrating here?

  2. What holiday kicked off our Made New sermon series?

  3. What ministry team is represented here?

  4. Which FV birthday did we celebrate in 2022?

  5. What FV holiday are we celebrating here?

  6. What are Tom and Kris doing?

  7. What were these guys working on?

  8. Why was the sanctuary filled with kids here?

  9. What youth event is pictured here?

  10. What event caused Aaron & Tommy to be playing guitar outside?

  11. Which evangelist sat in the congregation for part of his message?

Some notable events from 2022:

Testimony weekend, Q&A after Suit Up, FV’s 30th birthday, 

Mamapalooza (where dad’s had to compete changing diapers and stuff), 

Summer Cookout & Carnival, 70 foster kid Summer Kick Off Kits, 

ManFest competition fixing stuff, Chilli Cook off, Cookie Contest, 

Bonfire Worship Night, we were in 2 community parades, the LAND GOT SOLD

New things in 2022:

We started an intercessor’s team, and an events planning team!  The Cafe got remodeled and that team has expanded significantly. 

And so many guest speakers last year! Eran Holt, Jake Kerlin, Tim Bennett, Sam Masteller, Jason from FL…


  • Christmas Sponsorship: 11 families, 32 kids

  • Home Groups: 5

  • Kids

    • Breakaway: 12 

    • Summer Camp: 13

  • Youth - 

    • Winter Retreat: 17

    • Camp: 27

    • Convention: 21

  • Baptism: 24

  • “I’m In” responses: 9 

Salvation: 78

Luke 2:19

Luke 9:57-62

Take Heart

Acts 4:29-30

Deut 8:1-5

Even in our wandering, God leads.

Even in our wandering, God teaches.

Even in our wandering, God provides.

Deut 8:4

Psalms 127:3-5
