Luke 1:5-25

Luke 1:26-45

First of all, they were BOTH Godly people. 

Second, they were both shaken and confused and a little scared

Third, and here’s where they differ…they both had questions
BUT– one an expression of belief, and one was an expression of disbelief.

our WORDS CAN get in the way of what God wants to do!  Will He still do it? Yeah, just not through you.

Matthew 12:39, “But Jesus replied, “Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign;”

When you don’t believe God the first time, why should he speak a second time?

Mary’s question, on the other hand, “wasn’t how can I be sure this will happen”…it was how can it happen?  See the difference?

Mary was a WORSHIPER

Luke 1:46-56

How do we worship better?
Less about me, more about Him. 
Get your focus ONTO Him. It fixes a lot more than you think it will.

Why rob other people a chance to believe too, just because of your own insecurities and doubt? 

Did you know that the Barna Research Group put something out THIS WEEK that says that “Spiritual openness is widespread right now. Barna data show that 77 percent of U.S. adults believe in God or a higher power, 74 percent would like to grow spiritually and 44 percent are more open to God today than they were before the pandemic.”
