Matthew 25:14-30

1. How do you see God?

 Do I tithe on the gross amount from my paycheck, or the net?  The thing is…to ask that question, sure, for some it’s just about trying to be the most obedient, but I think USUALLY it’s about what’s the least I can get away with and still be “tithing”...

2. How are you managing God's stuff?

The bible calls us STEWARDS.  Stewardship is the job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property.

Spiritual Growth Questions:

  1. How are you growing in your relationship with God?

  2. …with people?

  3. …with your influence with outsiders?

  4. …in handling your resources?

3. How do you see blessings?

Rest is a once a week discipline. The sabbath day is a SEVERE rest discipline. Taking SERIOUS rest once a week, every single week, is the Biblical precedent. (And also taking LONG holiday vacations throughout the year to observe religious feasts and fasts and sacrifices…there were LOTS of holidays and rest days peppered throughout the Jewish calendar. It’s not just 52 sabbaths a year, but much more than that.) There are rhythms of rest in the Word.

“It is the duty of a man to render himself beneficial to those around him; to a great number if possible; but if this is denied him, to a few; to his intimate connections; or, at least, to himself.”

If you can’t take care of even yourSELF–how can God use you for more? If you can’t take care of your checkbook, your home, your children, your spouse, your body—why would God give you more?? Blessings are also responsibilities.

“7 In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7

Did you know even your body is a resource for you? And how you treat it matters to God too

Notice, in this parable, we’re each given to accordingly to our abilities, but EACH servant was given something. It’s what we DID with it, that determined what else we were given.  
