Matthew 13:1-9

Who’s the Farmer in the story? - God!! He has these incredible seeds to plant in your life…They are the same seeds for everyone!

John 10:10
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

Abundant life doesn’t mean easy, it means a life filled with peace, joy, patience, kindness, self control, wisdom, love, knowledge, sacrifice, service, 
God wants to plant those seeds into your life…
So let me ask you this question?  

How’s Your Dirt?!
Jesus talked about a few different types of dirt


This is the soil of people who come to church on Sundays and literally sit through it and don’t let any of it sink in…
So many people have gone to church, but refuse to let what is being spoken/the power of Jesus actually change their lives…
The footpath misses the beauty of being part of the field…and when the goodness of God (the seeds) are put on their soil it gets taken away.

Shallow Soil with Underlying Dirt

These are people that come to church and soften a little, but won’t let God reach the deep hurts/pain etc…

Soil with Thorns

This is soil of folks that are starting to really allow God to reach their hearts, but refuse to remove the things in there lives, that are choking them out and killing them (Relationships, habits, hang ups etc)

Fertile Soil

This is the soil that has allowed God to remove the roots, rocks, thorns, weeds…Allowed God to move on their behalf.  
What soil are you?!!?  
Where do you want to be?!
What is keeping you from being fertile soil?  
Hard heart, fear, grit, don’t want to cut things out?! Etc…
Pray for God to make you like fertile soil!
