1 Samuel 1:10-11, “Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. 11 And she made this vow: ‘O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you.’”

1. If you look upon my sorrow..

Hannah correctly diagnosed the problem.

2. If you look upon my sorrow...AND ANSWER MY PRAYER...

Evangelist Johannes Amritzer says, “I think God prefers an honest cussing, to a hypocritical hallelujah.”

3. If you look upon my sorrow, and answer my prayer...AND GIVE ME A SON...

Your job is not your source. Your spouse is not your source. YOU are not the source. Just like Job, we have to remember that God is so much BIGGER, he orchestrates the UNIVERSE on our behalf. EVERY good and perfect gift comes from Him. AND–the amazing thing is, He WANTS to give to us!! He is a GOOD Father, with GOOD gifts.

4. If you look upon my sorrow, and answer my prayer, and give me a son….I WILL GIVE HIM BACK TO YOU.

She never saw Samuel as her own.

An ownership vs. stewardship concept. 

She understood the principle of sacrifice in God’s Kingdom.  The principle that states that when we give something up to put in God’s hand...it’s not gone, and it’s not wasted.  Nothing is wasted in God’s hand.  When we sacrifice out of obedience, God honors and blesses.  And God’s math is not addition, it’s multiplication. He gives exponentially more--He does not waste a sacrifice. 

NOTHING is wasted in God’s hand.
