The will of God is not for us to stay where we are.
“In this world you WILL have trouble.” -Jesus
We tell God exactly how HE has to work and then we wonder why we have to wander through the desert for 40 years.
Our level of obedience will determine our level of blessing.
Our faith and our hope has been rooted in the wrong place!
If we really want to stop wandering, and start seeing the wonders of God we have to:
1. Let Go of the Past
“Normal” got us into the mess we’re in now.
The Jordan River was at a flood stage, so it made zero sense to cross at that time. But when God days go, you go. The city of Adam is where the water starts piling up. It became 200 miles wide, 120 feet deep, and 20 miles long. Making this miracle much bigger than the miracle of the Red Sea being parted.
Weak faith says, “you can do it!” No, WE can’t, but HE can.
2. Look Up in the Pursuit
We look up in recognition of who He is and where we are.
Why would David have to pray about what He’s already been told?
We are way too casual about the presence of God, and then wonder why there’s so much death in our lives.
His will is not for us to be followers of His presence, but CARRIERS of His presence.
Let’s stop being under the influence, and let’s start BEING the influence.
3. Launch Forward in the Promise
I wish we’d stop listening to the majority and the popular opinion of this world. The promise is there, it’s your job to possess it.