I tend to think that most unbelievers have a problem with one of the following 3 statements.
God is real.
God is good.
And He loves you so much.
Luke 24:49
Acts 2
This is a witnessing lesson for you today. There WILL. always. be. haters. Even Jesus didn’t convert EVERYone. Focus on the one you CAN reach. Not the ones you can’t.
Here’s the beautiful thing about how God works….God is a collaborator. He doesn’t need anyone or anything else outside of Himself to accomplish His divine purpose for the world, and yet He chooses to use a collaborative effort of His power and our participation to do it.
The Holy Spirit partnered WITH Peter to preach the Gospel. Three elements: Holy Spirit’s power, Peter’s participation, and the GOSPEL, partnered together to bring in a mighty Kingdom Harvest! Today is no different
If God so loved the world, why do so many believers behave like he hates it?
Your anger isn’t attracting unchurched people, it’s repulsing them.
Romans 1:20
Genesis 1:26-28
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you an opportunity today to talk with someone about the Gospel message, and TAKE IT! An easy way to get to this point is by asking someone, “Has anyone ever explained to you exactly what Jesus did for you? May I?”
What is your testimony? What is your story?
Who were you before Jesus?
What made you finally come to Him?
Who are you now?