With privileges come pressure.
There’s always a price to pay, isn’t there?
Text: I Kings 18
3 yrs of no rain = economic collapse
1. Generosity chooses Calling over Comfort
"There’s no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone.”
God reserves the right to disrupt your comfort zone at the time and place he chooses.
Your next level of generosity in your life has no respect for your comfort zone.
Comfort is the #1 barrier between you and the next level of growth. We’d rather have cheat sheets than study guides, lose 30 lbs in 30 days…the short cuts don’t work with spiritual growth!
Generous people take ownership, not renter-ship.
2. Generosity chooses Who over What
“Our privilege is found in trusting God, not understanding God.”
If God is the one who said it, the rest doesn’t matter.
3 is the number of Godliness/divinity. 4 is the number of mankind. 12 is the number of completeness.
3. Generosity chooses Giving over Receiving
“Don’t pray for what you won’t pay for!”
Where did the water come from? There’s been a drought! Water was the most valuable resource in the world at that time.
In God’s economy, the way to receive in my life, is to give. The area of your life where you need the most, is the place you need to give the most.
Stop praying for things in your life that you’re unwilling to pay for.
4. Generosity chooses Hearing over Seeing
“We always hear the call, before we the results.”