Are you really listening? vs. 4-8
God is a good shepherd. He’s going to lead us at our own pace, but we have to allow ourselves to be led.
Are you permitted to understand? vs. 9-15
The crowd vs the disciples. Different levels of commitment = different levels of understanding.
FOOTPATH people, ROCKY people, THORNY people..we all require gardening.
Are you being careful? vs. 16-18
“A problem cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that created it.” - Einstein
1 Corinthians 2, renew your mind.
The truth isn’t hard to find, it’s hard to hear.
The truth is Jesus. God’s Word is powerful and effective, but the Bible actually calls JESUS the Word. The holy scriptures are important, and can reveal to us who God is, but even more important, is the actual, living and breathing, powerful WORD of God--who is Jesus. He can speak to you today, just as real as he could 2,000 years ago. He’s spoken to my heart countless times, and I can tell you--it’s real.
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