The Big Questions:

  1. Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem the way he did? (His triumphant entry was a fulfillment of prophecy)

  2. How did Jesus enter Jerusalem? (Humbly, riding on a donkey.)

  3. What did the people do when they saw Jesus coming down the road? (They sang his praises and waved palm branches.)

  4. Challenge: Ask a friend to come to church with you or ask them to watch FV Kids Online for Easter Sunday!

Parent At Home Activity:

Create a Special Palm Sunday Snack: Crunchy Path

You’ll need:

  • graham crackers,

  • green-colored vanilla icing,

  • round chocolate candies,

  • teddy bear crackers,

  • plastic knives

Encourage your kids to wash their hands before they prepare their snacks, and make sure the snack area is clean. Have them each use a graham cracker to make a section of the road that Jesus and the donkey traveled. Then have them spread icing on graham crackers, then place the graham crackers in a row on the table, like bricks on the road. Have children make a crowd by lining both sides of the road with teddy-bear crackers. Then have them drop the round chocolate candies along the path as the donkey’s footsteps.

Invite your child to say a prayer thanking Jesus for being our king. Then enjoy your special eat goodies you have make together!

Memory Verse:

John 14:1 “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”
