Weekly Wednesdays: CALLED Men’s Group | Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Meeting# 3 | This Week’s Leader: David Goodno

Introduction: Welcome everyone, this is the third meeting of the winter 2025 semester of the Men’s “Called” Growth Group. We will continue to meet weekly on Wednesdays through 03/26/2025; 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. There are no special requirements to attend; you can be a new-believer, or someone who has been walking in their faith for a lifetime, everyone is welcome to join, and you do not have to have been at a previous meeting (or prior semester) to attend this week, or at any meeting in the future.

Friendly reminder that we all come from various backgrounds and points of view and are at different points in our individual faith journey. The goal for tonight is to have a friendly discussion and if there are differing points of view, we should not feel attacked or be hostile to one another. We came together as friends and brothers in Christ; we should leave the same (as friends and brothers in Christ). Often there is no right or wrong answer; just interpretation of scripture from varying points of view– Ultimately JESUS IS THE ANSWER.


For more Information visit: https://www.mantourministries.com/centralpamantour

Register: https://www.mantourministries.com/events/the-central-pa-mantour-8

Price is $20 Early registration ($25 after cut-off), youth 18 and under can register for $5.00.

The world is full of broken, defeated men. It is time to get off the mat and get back in the fight. It is not God’s will for men to live broken, defeated lives. The 2025 Mantour conference is designed to help men get up and gain victory.

The conference is at Celebration Church located in Dillsburg, PA, which is about 20 miles from FV Church. The conference isn’t too far away, the cost is affordable, and is a one-day commitment Saturday, March 15, 9:00 am 12:45 pm. We’ll meet at FV Church at 8:00 am, and carpool (or you can choose to meet) at the conference center Celebration Church, Dillsburg, PA: 1048 South Mountain Road, Dillsburg, PA 17019.

This semester, the Called Men’s Group is conducting Bible study using the SOAP-Q (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer – and Questions) method, of the Book of Haggai, and Zechariah. Last week we read Haggai, and tonight we will begin reading the book of Zachariah.

Last week we learned that the Prophet Zecharia is the eleventh of the “Minor-Prophets” with Zechariah being both a priest as well as a prophet. This book focuses on concerns of the temple, priesthood, and purification of the people. Chapters 1-8 deal with the rebuilding of the temple, the priesthood, and the future of Jerusalem. Chapters 9-14 deal mostly with the distant future and the coming Messianic kingdom.

Zechariah stressed the presence of the Lord with His people and also the necessity to obey the Lord, especially in matters of justice, mercy, compassion and truthfulness. Zechariah was concerned that the returned exiles did not repeat previous mistakes of their forefathers whose disobedience brought the Lord’s judgement. Zechariah addresses the present and future condition of the people and Jerusalem. Zecharia’s book is helpful to direct our thoughts to the Lord’s plan for blessing and cleansing.

This Week’s Prayer: Father God, we thank you for allowing us to come together and study your word tonight. Lord, we thank you for the presence of the Holy Spirt. As we learn to walk with you, please Lord lead us along Your path. Grant us physical and spiritual restoration. Lord, we thank you for sending us Jesus to remove our sins. Help us, help me walk with you. – Amen

Scripture, Read: Zechariah Chapter 2:1 – 3:10 (23 Verses)

Observation, Application & Questions: (Identify/Discuss Among the Group)

How do we see the people around us who don’t know God? Are they healthy, prosperous, and successful, or are they adrift in the universe without understanding, security or hope? How can we help? Learn the three circles and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Share gospel, pray for others. – Discuss among the group.

Key verses for discussion:

Zechariah 2:1-5, What is the significance of the measuring and the angel saying that Jerusalem shall be without walls?

  • Discuss among the group.

Zechariah 2:1, The Surveyor – the identity of the surveyor is not revealed, Biblical Scholars believe that this is probably an angel with the purpose of marking out the boundaries of Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem would expand beyond its former boarders, and God would guard His people with a protecting wall of fire and God’s Glory.

  • Discuss among the group.

    • Wall of Fire – a supernatural line of defense

    • God’s Glory – God’s Glory would return, and every resource would be available to the people. They would no longer need to fear or act on their own behalf, God would deliver them.

Zechariah 2:6-13, What two points does Zechariah make about the nations?

  • Hint: see verse 8-9, and verse 11: Discuss among the group. (Anyone who harms you harms my most precious possession. And many nations will join themselves to the Lord…and they too will be my people.)

Zechariah 2:8, NLT: Anyone who harms you harms my most precious possession, other translations say he who touches you, touches the apple of God’s eye, or anyone who touches you touches the pupil of His eye.

  • What do we think this means? Discuss among the group.

Many Christians respond to the World by either cutting themselves off, or by falling away from Christianity and joining in and following the World’s agenda / pop-culture.

  • - Agree / Disagree, discuss among the group.

Zechariah 3:1-5, As the High-Priest, Jeshua was the spiritual leader of those who had returned to Judah from exile. Satan*, “The accuser” https://www.gotquestions.org/Satan-accuser.html alleged Jeshua of wrongdoing, but God rejected the accusations and rebuked Satan. God then removed Jeshua’s filthy clothing and replaced it with new, spotless clothes.

*Satan the accuser desires to remind believers of their sin and their unworthiness of a place in God’s family and in this way sow doubt into their hearts and minds. Satan wants to make Christians fear for their salvation and forget God’s love and faithfulness. Satan says, “Look at your sinfulness”; God says, “Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith” (see Hebrews 12:2).

  • - Agree / Disagree, discuss among the group.

Zechariah 3:3-5, it is important to remember that ultimately a right standing before God comes only through Christ fulfilling the law on every sinner’s behalf. (See Romans 5:19 and 2 Corinthians 5:21).

Zechariah 3:6-7, We need to remember that most of our obedient choices may never be noticed by others; but God notices. God sees what we do and how we act.

  • - Agree / Disagree, discuss among the group.

Zechariah 3:6-10, Joshua would judge the Lord’s house, given authority over my Temple and its courtyards meaning that he would preside over the temple and the ministry of the priests. This vision is ripe with messianic promise and fulfillments.

Zechariah 3:8, soon I am going to bring my servant , the Branch; The Davidic ruler to come, the Messiah (see Jeremiah 23:5)

Zechariah 3:9, A single stone with seven facets -other translations say seven eyes, Stones are used throughout the Bible as Messianic symbols. The seven facets, or eyes, some scholars believe that this may symbolize God’s omniscience. Others believe the stone represents part of the high priests’ clothing, a gemstone with seven facets fastened to the turban and inscribed with an inscription. A similar stone was on Aaron’s turban was engraved with the words “Holy to the Lord“, which enabled Aaron to bear the iniquity of the people before the Lord (Exodus 28:36-38)

Other questions to explore:

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what was happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything surprise you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?


  • Is there anything that stood out to you? Share with the group and discuss.

  • Is there anything that left you with more questions? What were they? Share with group, discuss, and research.

  • Biggest takeaway?

Previous Assignments:

 Read Jerimiah 25:11-14 and 29:10-14.


Elements of today’s Bible study were referenced from:

1. NLT Courage for Life Men’s Bible, New Living Translation (NLT); copyright 2023 Tyndale House Ministries Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation https://www.tyndale.com/sites/courageforlifebible/

2. NIV Study Bible, Revolution, copyright 2011. The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV); copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan. https://www.zondervan.com/p/niv-bibles-for-teens- true-images-revolution/

3. NLT Parallel Study Bible, New Living Translation (NLT); copyright 2011 Tyndale House Ministries Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation

4. NKJV The Jeremiah Study Bible, New King James Version (NKJV); copyright 2013 David Jeremiah, Inc. Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. https://www.thomasnelson.com/bibles

5. Knowing the Bible, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, by Steven M. Coleman, J. L. Packer, Dane C. Ortlund; copyright 2018 by Crossway, Wheaton, Illinois.

6. The Good Book Guide to Zechariah, God’s big plan for struggling Christians, by Tim Chester, copyright 2005 by the Good Book Company. https://www.thegoodbook.com

Schedule: Month, Meeting Number, Date, Book/Chapters/Verse/ (Total Verses)

January 2025:

_x_ 001, 01/22 Haggai 1:1 – 2:23. (38 Verses)

_x_ 002, 01/29 Zechariah 1:1-21. (21 Verses)

February 2025:

_x_ 003, 02/05 Zechariah 2:1 – 3:10. (23 Verses)

__ 004, 02/12 Zechariah 4:1 – 5:11. (25 Verses)

__ 005, 02/19 Zechariah 6:1 – 7:14. (29 Verses)

__ 006, 02/26 Zechariah 8:1-23. (23 Verses)

March 2025:

__ 007, 03/05 Zechariah 9:1-17. (17 Verses)

__ 008, 03/12 Zechariah 10:1 – 11:17. (29 Verses)

__ 009, 03/19 Zechariah 12:1 – 13:9. (23 Verses)

__ 010, 03/26 Zechariah 14:1-21. (21 Verses) *

*Please monitor FV.church/events for more information about the next semester.
