verses 1-3:

verses 4-6:

verses 7-10:

verses 11-12:

  • Read James 4:1-12

    • James prescribes 10 “antidotes” in verses 7-10. How are they effective?

    • What are some outward signs of this inner submission to God?

    • What is your usual response when your desires are frustrated?

    • How is the “world” trying to get you to be its friend now? How is that related to your faithfulness to God?

    • How is James’ cure applicable to you as you struggle with the world’s seduction?

verses 13-16:

verses 17:

  • Read James 4:13-17

    • Regarding “tomorrows” what’s wrong with the type of planning here? With “boasting”? With “profit-making”?

    • How does this relate to your plans for the future?

    • What does James imply about our use of wealth and power?


  • Read James 5:1-6

    • When have you experienced a lack of rain? Of too much rain?

    • Instead of retaliation or vengence what are the poor to do? Why?

    • What lesson are provided by the farmer? By the returning Judge? By the prophets? By Job? By the call to integrity (v12)?

  • Read James 5:7-20

    • As a child, what did you pray before you went to bed at night?

    • What lessons about prayer is James highlighting in verses 13-18? How is the example of Elijah meant as an encouragement to those addressed in verses 13-16?

    • From this book, what are some ways “wandering from the faith” has been demonstrated in this community? What has James done to try to bring them back?

    • When you experience hardship, what helps you to be patient and wait for God? What has really tested that? When have you come the closest to wandering from the faith? Who helped bring you back? How would you help someone else come back to the faith?


  • The book of James can polarize those who grapple with it. Which way do you find yourself leaning: Guilty or inspired? Resistant or repentant? Passing the buck to the rich, or passing out bucks to the poor?

  • How do you want to be a “doer” of the truth you have heard in James?

  • What is your biggest takeaway from James? What is your biggest takeaway from studying the Word in this particular way?
