Character Study - Abraham
Name & scriptures
Summary of their story (Background, when and where they lived, family, meaning of their name)
What they are known for
Strength & weaknesses (Characteristics)
Victories & challenges
How they point us to christ
Lessons we can learn from them
Questions you have from the story
Sept 18 - Abraham
The Bible is filled with stories about people disobeying God. One notable exception is Abraham, a man who, though not perfect, obeys God's command to leave his homeland in Mesopotamia and venture to an unknown Promised Land (ancient Canaan; later Israel). God promises Abraham that his descendants will become a great nation, through which all the people of the earth will be blessed.
The tales of Abraham and his wife, Sarah, are a roller coaster of dramatic events that repeatedly jeopardize God's promise. Ironically, the biggest threat to God's promise is when God Himself commands Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Abraham sets out to do just as God orders, but right before Abraham delivers the fatal blow to his own child, God stops the sacrifice. As a reward for Abraham's faith, God fulfills His promise to make Abraham's descendants a great nation, as Isaac's son, Jacob, eventually has 12 sons, whose descendants become the nation of Israel.
Today, three of the world's major religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — trace their roots to Abraham.
Great article, character study notes:
Next Character Study: Moses
Full Story: Entire book of Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
Important Parts about Moses:
Early Life: Exodus 1-2
Calling: Exodus 3-4
Pharoah & the Plagues of Egypt: Exodus 5-12
Escape through Red Sea: Exodus 13-15
Mt. Sinai: Exodus 17-19
The Golden Calf: Exodus 32
Moses Strikes The Rock: Numbers 20
Death: Deuteronomy 34