The Question Quarter

In my head, I've been calling the Fall 2023 Semester of B&B The "Question Quarter" 😆...and what I'd like is for us to come to B&B WITH questions about the Bible prepared, so we can talk about them, research them, and answer them together! So--if you plan to come to Bold & Brave this semester (and I hope you do!!), bring a question with you! We’re going to be like Bible Detectives, sniffing out the truth, and solving the mysteries!

Question Rules:

  1. Cannot be general (i.e. What does the Bible say about ____?) Google this easily and find all the scriptures available beforehand...then come up with a more specific question!

  2. Must have a Bible reference attached (i.e. Why does Jesus say "I did not come to abolish the law" in Matthew 5:17?) We will attempt to answer it together!

    Bring a Bible (study bible if you have it!) and notebook with you! I can't wait to see how this goes! Who's coming??

Things you have to understand to understand the Bible:

  1. There are 66 individual books. Each with their own...(so don't be embarrassed about having questions!)

  2. The Bible interprets the Bible. (not your feelings and opinions)

  3. It's true. (whether you like it or not. we adjust to IT, not the other way around)

  4. Read it systematically AND prophetically

  5. It's holy and precious. 

One way to study it:

Do a SOAP study! (I added the “Q”) Pick a passage, and write these items in a notebook:


How to get started:

  • Start in John. Read about the life of Jesus first, and then keep going into Acts…the beginning of the church.

  • Start slow. Don’t read to consume…or to check off a box. Read a small passage at a time, take it in, let it sink in, ask questions, fully understand it.

  • Pray.

Big picture teaching Element:

  • God’s Will is a spectrum, not a specific path. We have FREE WILL, so our steps aren’t necessarily pre-determined, even though life is not fair and we’ve been handed down the sins of our fathers.

  • Consider the following passages about God seeming to change his mind:

    • Jesus turning water into wine: “My time has not yet come.” John 2

    • Moses being called into obedience, or death. Exodus 4:24-26

    • Jonah and the Ninevites. Jonah 3

    • Pharaoh had 9 chances before GOD hardened his heart. Exodus 10

    • Exodus 32:14 - “So the Lord changed his mind about the terrible disaster he had threatened to bring on his people.” (because the prayers of Moses)

Questions we discussed tonight:

  • Why does 1 Corinthians say women are to wear coverings? Should we today?

  • How is it fair that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart? How is that free will?

  • What’s going on with the book of Song of Solomon?

  • What’s up with Deuteronomy 25:11?

  1. Do a “SOAPQ” (see above) study every day

  2. Ask someone else one of your questions!

  3. Bring a question to B&B with you next week.
