Suddenly: Quickly; Unexpectedly; Without warning; “A dramatic interruption of human affairs with immediate, instantaneous intervention, provision, release, blessing, healing, etc.”
Synonyms: immediately, instantaneously, all of a sudden, all at once
There are many gospel accounts of immediate, or sudden healing.
-The paralyzed man in Luke 5:17-25
• His friends carried the weight when he couldn’t.
• After his healing, he praised!
- The blind beggar in Luke 18:35-43
• He called out to Jesus in desperation
• After his healing not only did he praise God, but his healing caused others to praise too!
- The man with leprosy in Mark 1:40-42
• He couldn’t help but spread the word about his healing!
- The woman with the issue of blood and Jairus in Mark 5:21-42
• For the woman with the issue of blood, her healing was not only physical, but emotional. She went from isolation to “daughter”
• “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”
There are also plenty of moments if sudden provision, blessing, and release found in the word.
- Peter in prison in Acts 12:1-7
• The church prayed “earnestly” for Peter
- Paul and Silas in prison in Acts 16:16-26
• They worshipped through their trial
• Paul and Silas use their suddenly moment to preach the gospel
• God used Paul and Silas to provide a “suddenly” moment for the slave girl too!
- Jesus calms the storm in Mark 8:23-27
• Two suddenly moments in this passage; a sudden storm and the sudden calm
This is also how life goes sometimes. God is so good and brings the sudden calm, provision, healing, blessing, etc. But we live in a broken and fallen world and we know there are also plenty of sudden storms like described in Mark 8.
So what does this mean for us?
Be comforted in the knowledge that while some of life’s storms are sudden to us, NOTHING is sudden to God.
Allow those unexpected moments to remind you of your dependence on God. Let your desperation bring you to the feet of Jesus
Don’t let a moment pass before you praise God and thank Him for sudden provision, healing, breakthrough, etc.
Let your breakthroughs be a testimony! Point others to Jesus.
Worship if your in chains like Paul and Silas. Call out to Jesus like the blind beggar. Pray earnestly for your community and friends like the church did for Peter. Carry the weight for your friends like the paralyzed man’s friends did for him. Reach out to Jesus like the woman with the issue of blood. And “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith” like Jesus told Jairus.
Have you experienced a suddenly moment? Tell us about it.
Look at some other suddenly moments in the Bible. Write down your thoughts and and bring them to share.
Think about a suddenly moment you have experienced, whether it’s a sudden storm or sudden calm. Use it as a testimony and share it with someone to encourage them.