Read Genesis 32:22-32
vs. 29, why do you want to know?
SO many interesting questions about this passage. Was the man Jesus? Why did he wrestle with Jacob? Why did they wrestle for so long? Why did Jacob’s new name (and this experience) change him so much? Why did he walk away with a limp from God (intentionally!)? But the above question is the one that gets me.
As a church, we have always valued authenticity very highly. We’re not a very “religious” atmosphere, in that we have to put on airs to fit in, or dress up to avoid looks, or be someone we’re not. We can come as we are, into the presence of God, and into the house of God.
I have this thing about asking WHY when I’m reading in the Word.
IS NOT…honesty for other people.
Not a license to gossip or tell other people’s secrets and indiscretions.
Ephesians 5:12, “It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret.”
“speak the truth in love” Ephesians 4
IS…looking deeper at the reasons why you do things.
Don’t allow yourself excuses. Recognize the excuse when it comes out of your mouth.
Let The Word in deep.
IS NOT…telling everyone everything.
Tell the right people everything.
Others should get the honest thing, but not everything.
IS…learning who you are, from your Creator Himself.
YOU don’t have to define YOU. God has already done that.
Radical honesty is how I keep myself humble. Humility on purpose. Confidence, not arrogance.
Radical honesty changes me…in all the right ways.
Worldly confidence says, “I am enough.” Godly confidence says, “HE is enough.”
How would you define “true humility”?
What do you think it means to “clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience”? How would your life be different if you could do this all the time?
What’s your biggest takeaway from this passage?