Elohim - God The Creator. Genesis 1:1. Over 200 times in OT.
Yahweh - I Am. No beginning or ending. Self Existent One. Gen. 2:4, Ex. 3:14,15. 6519 times in OT
El Roi - The God who sees. Gen. 16:13
Do you ever feel unseen or like you don’t matter? Ever feel invisible? Only found once in Bible.
Adonai - “The name of Adonai is a strong tower; a righteous person runs to it and is raised high [above danger].” Mishlei (Pro) 18:10 CJB
El Shaddai - Gen 17:1
Yahweh Yireh - Gen 22:14
Yahweh Rapha - Ex 15:26
Jehovah Shalom - Judges 6:24
Quanna - jealous - Ex 20:5
Choose a name of God that is especially meaningful to you right now. Meditate on this name, pray this name back to God. Come prepared to share your experience.