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We’re going to focus on the term “Accountability Partners” this week.
I’ve always thought of the term “accountability partners” as a solely religious thing. But actually, this term is in the business world too, and it functions pretty much exactly the same way.
It’s most basic definition is: someone to hold you accountable to what YOU want to do.
An accountability partner doesn’t necessarily tell you what to do, or assign you goals and metrics to hit, they just as if you’ve done what you said you were going to do. Or, in the case of breaking habits, ask you if you didn’t do what you said you weren’t going to do.
God has placed us in community, in families. In the beginning, He said it wasn’t good for man to be alone. We have to believe that’s for a reason!
“Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”
Throughout the Bible, we can see God giving his leaders partners in ministry, life, and leadership! When we need help, God will often send a person!
Moses said he couldn’t do what God had called him to do at the burning bush, and so God sent Aaron. In Exodus 17.8-15, Aaron and Hur join to hold up Moses's hands that enabled Joshua and the Israelites to over their adversary
When the prophet Elijah needed food, God sent the widow. When he cried out to God for help, at Mt. Sinai, God appointed more leaders.
In Luke 10, Jesus sends his disciples out in pairs.
Paul had many partners in ministry, throughout his missionary journeys.
Ecclesiastes 4:9 ESV, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.
In Christian accountability, we tend to focus on 4 main areas of growth:
Are you growing in your relationship with God?
Are you growing in your relationships with people?
Are you becoming a better steward of your resources?
Are you growing in your influence with outsiders?
If you had someone that you knew was going to ask you those questions every week, how would that change your perspective and mindset? How would you measure whether or not you were growing?
Find an accountability partner or two. A group of 3 would work just as well, but probably not many more than that! Don’t be discouraged if you get a “no” at first, stay committed until you find the right person/group for you! It will work best if the whole group is also committed to Bold & Brave, but doesn’t have to be. Plan to meet at least once before our next First Wednesday.
Take a serious look at the spiritual growth questions from above. What is your strongest area? What is your weakest area? Where do you hope to grow the most this year? Discuss this with your partner(s). Plan some goals in those areas.
GO FURTHER: Watch this video from Pastor Dharius Daniels titled, “What About Your Friends?”. You can see my sermon notes here.
Read 1 Samuel 16-18 at home this month, and really consider the perspective of each character (might mean you have to read previous chapters and maybe watch The Bible Project’s 1 Samuel video for context too).
What questions does this bring up for you?
After listening to this message, would you consider yourself a good friend?
What does healthy accountability look like in your life?