This week we listened to Dharius Daniels “Jesus Has Left The Building“ in his “I Quit Church” series. If you missed it, I encourage you to listen to it!
Have you ever found yourself in a place or space, when someone walked in the room that made you wanna walk out?
Not only is this reality relevant for people, but it is also relevant for God
When God walks in the room, there are some things that must walk out.
Praise is a spiritual discipline, and not just some empty exercise. Praise is an invitation for divine habitation. When praise goes up, God comes down. When God steps in, somethings must step out.
I need Him like I need oxygen. Like my body needs blood. When I have HIM, and when He comes into my space, things that are not like him, get evicted out of my space .
The converse is also true: when God walks out, some things walk in.
You cannot improve what you are unwilling to assess.
The entrances of Jesus represented the ending of one type of representation of church.
You have evolved into an institution that is inconsistent with God’s intent.
exploitive, entertaining, and irrelevant
testament = covenant.
New Testament = new covenant
We not only need God’s help to hold on, we also need God’s help, to let go.
You’re a steward, not an owner!
Stop painting walls that don’t belong to you!
If you do some assessment, you’ll probably find some things that you need to stop doing.
Five Things We Need To Consider Stopping:
Stop church that likes Jesus, but isn’t LIKE Jesus.
The word “Christian” means Christ-like, not liking Christ.
Ghandi said, “I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, because your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
Disciples means learner, apprentice, mentee. “Make people like me.” Learning the virtues (character traits), the values (priorities), and the vantage points (the way he sees things) of Jesus.
Matthew 28:19 - the job description of the church
Stop doing church in a way that makes external judgements without addressing internal issues.
God did not call the church to be a critic, God called the church to be an example. Salt & light. To MODEL an alternative way of living.
Like Zaccheaus, they’ll climb a tree to get to you. Like Nicodemus, they’ll come to you at night.
Stop church that is arrogant and ignorant.
It’s dangerous to be either one of them, it’s lethal to be both.
God’s WORD is true, and right, but that doesn’t mean our interpretation always is.
When a tribe is arrogant, and ignorant, they think their interpretation always lines up with Gods’ intention, and so they become unteachable. OR they become ONLY teachable by anyone in their tribe, which means everyone in the tribe, has the same blind spots.
We don’t get to pick, who God uses to teach us! Luke 10, The Good Samaritan story.
Jesus said learn from the Samaritan, but the Samaritan’s doctrine was wrong.
Some people, who might be wrong in some areas, aren’t wrong in every area. And we have to learn from people who are NOT in our tribe!
Stop church that puts its preferences over God’s priorities.
Are we really concerned with what God wants in church, or what we want?
People try to use corporate worship, to make up for a devotional deficit.
It’s hard to reach people, if you’re not thinking about people.
Because God’s kingdom is not this or that, it’s this AND that.
Stop church that’s too sacred to say “I’m Sorry”.
Church is not God. God is perfect, we aren’t. God never gets it wrong, we do.
Lemme tell ya what’s wrong with you pastors: You anointed, but you think that means you omniscient.
Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer, turns away wrath.”
Some of us need to apologize to people we thought we was ministering to.
You using my words, but you do not have my heart.
WE are the church. Church changes when WE do.
Correction. Self assessment and self adjustment
Study John 6
What do you think Jesus was trying to teach them toward the end of this chapter?
Study Luke 4:14-30
What can we learn from why Jesus’ hometown rejected Him?
Study Mark 10:17-27
Why do you think the man walked away?