
We’ve been talking about the Kingdom of God in this new FV sermon series, “Kingdom Come”, and as I study more and more in preparation for this series, I’ve been realizing that the implications of these teachings are BOTH for now, and for the future. As Christians, everything we do is both for now, and then.

Today, we’re going to watch a Hillsong Teaching from Robby Lewis, campus pastor for Hillsong London, called “Kingdom”. (You do have to have a subscription for this video, but the first 30 days are free!)

Candace’s Notes

Law-based mindset, vs a Gospel-based mindset

  • What we believe, influences what we think, and what we think influences how we see ourselves, and how we see ourselves influences how we behave.

  • Not focus on our behavior, but focus on what we believe.

1 Corinthians 15:1-5, 12-28 (The Kingdom New Testament)

The Corinthian People:

  1. Are arrogant (towards each other).

  2. Are behaving divisively (causing divisions within the church).

  3. Have a self-serving agenda.

  4. Believed in an advancement of the self over the church & Gospel.

  5. Elevated themselves over everyone else.

    The word Gospel = an event, happening in a larger context, that will change the future, as a result, everything now is changed.

Board Illustration

  • The board represents God, even though it breaks down because God has no edges.

  • Time exists within God

  • At the beginning, God creates. The last thing he creates, is humans. Image bearers.

  • Sin = selfishness. We had power over the earth, so earth fell with us.

  • We’re headed toward wrath, unless someone does something. 

  • The Gospel is an event that happened that changes the story

On the cross, Jesus overthrew the Kingdom of Man---sin, death, decay, corruption, pain

Because you don’t believe in the resurrection:

  1. The messiah has not been raised

  2. You are still in your sins

  3. Your faith is futile

  4. Death is the end

  5. There is no hope in a future life, let alone in the present one.

Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you the son of God?” because one of Caesar's titles was “son of God”.

The Enlightenment removed God from the top, and put the self on the top. 


Other resources I may have mentioned tonight:


Read Revelations 21-22

  • What questions do you have about the book of Revelation?

Read the commentary linked above.

  • How do you live out “living in the world, but not of it”?

Read 1 Corinthians 15

  • If you really feel like challenging yourself: What does 1 Corinthians 15:29 mean?

  • What does this chapter mean for my life?
