I’ve been focused a lot lately on God’s actual words. We see them throughout scripture in certain places, and I believe that they’re put there for a reason! We are meant to learn something from them, pay extra attention, and leave the interaction changed.
I’m preparing a sermon for the end of the month called “Fight Like a Christian”, and I believe that God is going to do some spectacular, miraculous things on that weekend, but that it’s going to be a fight to get there.
In Exodus, we see the nation of Israel also experiencing some spectacular, miraculous things from God, but it was definitely a fight to get there.
Read Exodus 1-15
What can we learn from the Israelites story here?
Write down all of God’s words to the Israelites as you read. Do you feel like God is saying any of them to you, today?
What meant the most to you in this passage?
If you didn’t make it to Bold & Brave, watch this: