
I’ve been focused a lot lately on God’s actual words. We see them throughout scripture in certain places, and I believe that they’re put there for a reason! We are meant to learn something from them, pay extra attention, and leave the interaction changed.

I’m preparing a sermon for the end of the month called “Fight Like a Christian”, and I believe that God is going to do some spectacular, miraculous things on that weekend, but that it’s going to be a fight to get there.

In Exodus, we see the nation of Israel also experiencing some spectacular, miraculous things from God, but it was definitely a fight to get there.


Read Exodus 1-15

  • What can we learn from the Israelites story here?

  • Write down all of God’s words to the Israelites as you read. Do you feel like God is saying any of them to you, today?

  • What meant the most to you in this passage?

If you didn’t make it to Bold & Brave, watch this:
