This past weekend we talked about the calling of Saul (if you missed it, watch here), but we didn’t get to finish Saul’s story. He could easily be another character in the Wayward series, actually. Saul makes two big mistakes, found in 1 Samuel 13, and 1 Samuel 15. Personally, I feel that they are both indicative of a much larger problem, however.
In 1 Samuel 13, we see Saul panicking. He doesn’t trust God nearly enough, I think he gets his eyes off of God providing for him, and onto the people around him. He sees his army melt away, and he takes on their stress and fear, instead of redirecting it to God.
In 1 Samuel 15, we see Saul making his own decisions. God’s command is clear, but Saul thinks there’s some wiggle room there. He takes matters into his own hands, which is a very popular decision with his troops, and he’s very happy with himself. But God isn’t.
This week:
Read the rest of Saul’s story. 1 Samuel 13-31.
What lessons can we learn from Saul’s story?
What lessons can we learn from David’s story?
What do you think God is speaking to you through this?
What verse means the most to you?
How should you life change because of this story?
BONUS FOR NEXT WEEK, IF YOU NEED MORE! (No Wednesday Night Ministry on November 21st)
Read 2 Samuel.
Where does David end up going wayward?
What can we learn from David’s story?