This is a 2-week challenge, designed to connect you with God in a whole new way; to challenge you to think deeper thoughts about the Word of God and interact with it like never before. The questions may or may not have "correct" answers, but they will push you into a deeper level of understanding, imagination, and insight. Scroll to the bottom, and work your way up, spending one day on each passage.
Click here to listen to the message that started the challenge.
DAY 15: Luke 24
BONUS DAY! Today, YOU get to pick the questions. After two weeks of answering them, my guess is you have a pretty good idea of how to do this now. Enjoy it, and have a great day of celebrating JESUS! -Candace
P.S. I would LOVE to hear your feedback on this challenge! What did you learn? What was your favorite part? Send me your answers using the "I HAVE A QUESTION" link above!
DAY 14: Luke 23
- What responsibilities did Pilate, the Roman governor, have?
- Why do you think Pilate sent him to Herod?
- Why do you think Jesus refused to answer Herod's questions?
- What did Jesus mean when he was talking to the "daughters of Jerusalem"?
- What would it have been like to experience the moments after Jesus' death?
DAY 13: Luke 22
- In his final days of ministry, did Jesus' focus and attitude change?
- What is celebrated during the Festival of Unleavened Bread?
- In verse 31, Jesus says that Satan has asked to "sift each of you like wheat" (NLT). Where else in the Bible does it say that Satan asked permission to test someone? Why do you think Peter was singled out here?
- Why did Jesus tell them to buy swords?
- Put yourself in Peter's shoes throughout this chapter, what range of emotions do you think he felt?
DAY 12: Luke 24
- Who first discovered that Jesus wasn't in the tomb? Why were they there in the first place?
- Why do you think the disciples didn't see the resurrection coming?
- Why do you think Peter was the only one to jump up and go see for himself?
- Read the chapter in another version (The Message, King James, NIV, etc), does any of it sound different to you? Make more/less sense?
- Why did the disciples, after everything they had been through with religious leaders, go back to the temple to worship?
- What was Jesus telling them to wait for?
DAY 11: Mark 12:13-17
- Were the Pharisees and supporters of Herod usually on the same side?
- Why did they want to trap Jesus?
- Why were those questions traps in that culture?
- How did Jesus see through their hypocrisy?
- Why did his answer amaze them so much? Does it have relevance today?
- What did he mean by "what belongs to God"?
DAY 10: Mark 12:1-12
- What do you think Jesus was trying to say in the parable of the evil farmers?
- Jesus said that verse 11, comes from "the scriptures", where? What was that passage talking about?
- Why did the religious leaders have the power to arrest Jesus? Why didn't they use it?
- Do you think the religious leaders believed He was the Messiah?
DAY 9: Mark 12:41-44
- Where was the collection box usually located in the temple?
- What kind of money did they use back then? What would the equivalent be to the dollar today?
- What kind of coins would she probably have dropped in?
- What do you think Jesus was sitting there looking for? What was he trying to teach the disciples?
DAY 8: Luke 2:41-52
- What was the passover celebration like? What food did they eat, how long did it last, why did they have to go to Jerusalem?
- In that culture & time, were 12-year-olds looked at the same way they are today--as children?
- What do you suppose 12-year-old Jesus was like?
- Why did Jesus call the temple, "my fathers house"? Why was he surprised when his parents didn't know where he would be?
DAY 7: John 4:31-42
- Why did Jesus answer the disciples that way, after they urged him to eat?
- Who is Jesus talking about in verse 38, "others had already done the work"?
- Do you think it's still possible for one person to bring a whole town to Jesus? What would that take?
- What question should I have asked about this passage? What was your biggest take away?
DAY 6: John 4:1-30
- Where was Samaria in relation to Jerusalem?
- What did the Samaritans believe, and why did the Jews look down on them?
- What was the significance of the well? Why would the disciples have been surprised to find Jesus at a well talking to a woman?
- What do you think Jesus meant by, "if you only knew the gift God has for you"?
- What can we learn from this interaction about our own relationships with Jesus?
DAY 5: John 3:22-36
- How far is it between Jerusalem and the Judean countryside?
- What was John the Baptist's relationship to Jesus? What do you suppose that childhood friendship was like?
- What do you think John meant by "for God gives him the Spirit without limit"?
- What can we learn (and apply to our own lives) from John's disciples' argument about purifying?
DAY 4: John 3:1-21
- Does the Bible mention Nicodemus anywhere else?
- What do the Pharisees believe? As a "Jewish religious leader", what were his responsibilities?
- Do you think there was significance to him coming to Jesus after dark?
- What does it mean, "you can't explain how people are born of the spirit"?
- Does reading this passage give you a new perspective on John 3:16?
DAY 3: John 2:13-25 (yes, you read that right--again, plus 3 verses)
- Why would Jesus answer them that way (vs 19)? Why not just show them something miraculous? What did he mean by "this temple"?
- How long do you think it was, between this time at the temple, and when Jesus was raised from the dead? How long did the disciples have to go without understanding what He said here (vs 22)?
- What did Jesus not trust people to do? What did he know about them, that caused Him not to trust them?
- How do you think Jesus knows what's in each person's heart? Is it possible for us to know, since we now have the Holy Spirit available to us?
DAY 2: John 2:13-22
- Was the temple the first place Jesus went upon arriving to Jerusalem? If so, why?
- Were there prophecies in the Old Testament about Jesus clearing the temple?
- Why does he call the temple, "God's house"?
- What were the animals sold used for? Why did they need to change money?
- Do you ever see Jesus using force to drive people into or out of anything else in scripture?
DAY 1: Read John 2:1-12.
- Was there any significance to the Jewish ceremonial jars?
- Do you think Mary expected Jesus' answer?
- Do you think Mary knew that "his time" was near? Was it something they talked about often?
- How did this interaction compare with what Jesus was doing in the previous chapter?