"God With Us" is a December 2022 FVChurch sermon series about God sending Jesus to be WITH us, even in our messy humanity.
“Taking Ground” is a Fall 2022 FVChurch sermon series about how the church should approach taking offensive ground from the enemy in spiritual warfare.
“Suit Up” is a FVChurch Fall 2022 sermon series about spiritual warfare, and the armor of God.
“Freedom Isn’t Free” is a FVChurch summer 2022 series about our freedom in Christ, and what that really means in every day life.
"The Wrong Question" is a FVChurch Summer 2022 sermon series about how asking the wrong question, to the right God, is still the right thing to do.
"Made New" is a FVChurch Spring 2022 sermon series about how Jesus makes all things new!
This stand-alone message about Palm Sunday and the events of Holy Week explains 3 things that Jesus gets angry about in the Gospels: pride, fruitlessness, and faithlessness.
"Privileges" is a FVChurch spring 2022 sermon series about the privileges and responsibilities of living as a son or daughter of the King.
"The Comfort Zone" is a February 2022 FVChurch sermon series about stepping out of our comfort zones with an all-new playbook from God!
“Unqualified” is a January 2022 sermon series about the qualifications God uses to call us into service of Him.