The understanding of Christ is hugely important. Most importantly because it relates to our decision that we have made to be in relationship with Christ.

But who is He? What sort of man is this?

Jesus was fully God, and fully man.  He lived a completely sin-free life, despite being tempted, but He wasn't sent here to condemn us or to bring guilt and shame.  He was sent to fulfill our debt with God, and cover it with his own sacrifice!  He set us free, so that we can have a real relationship with God, who loves us unconditionally.  Jesus made it simple to follow him, we only have to repent and turn from our old ways, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and submit to God's will for our lives.


"God, I accept that I am a sinner.  My ways aren't working, I don't want to live life that way any more.  I believe that Jesus died on the cross to cover my sin. Please forgive me and be a part of my life.  Help me live for you! Thank you for saving me!"