IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Johannes Amritzer is no longer able to be with us May 26 & 27, due to a personal situation. We are working on rescheduling with him, but we have already made plans with a local evangelist, Tim Bennett, for May 26 & 27! We're very excited to have him for EPIC Weekend, and we encourage you to still be there, and bring friends! The Word of God is powerful and effective, and you will NOT want to miss this weekend!
Tim Bennett is a local evangelist, who is passionate about Jesus and spreading the Gospel! Believe us, you DO NOT want to miss this!
We'll also be baptizing new believers that weekend, so for more information and to sign up go to:!
Service Times:
Saturday, May 26, 6:15pm
Sunday, May 27, 9:15am // 11:15am // 6pm