Without Jesus what do you think you’d place your hope in? And what do you think the result would be, placing your hope there?
How do you handle your intrusive thoughts?
What is a standard or rule you hold yourself to?
How do you evaluate yourself on whether or not you’re staying childlike in your faith?
What do you think God is trying to teach you currently?
What was your biggest takeaway?
What’s the most memorable or best piece of practical advice you’ve been given?
How can you tell you’ve matured in your faith since becoming a believer?
How have you come to know yourself better since becoming a disciple?
Are you/have you fasted this week? How did it go? Was it your first time?
What was your biggest takeaway?
Would you call yourself a spiritual thermometer or thermostat? (Do you just see what is, or do you actively try to be the change you want to see in the world?)
Would you say that you are good soil for the word to be planted into? (or is your heart still pretty tough and hard for the Word to penetrate?)
Pastor David said, “the devil’s time is up!”, how have you seen that to be true in your life?
How are you living out the great commission right now? (Matthew 28:19-20)
How could you get better at sharing the Gospel?
What was your biggest takeaway from this message?
How do you think you’d feel if Jesus said, “Get away from me Satan!” to you, like he did to Peter?
What aspect of Gods’ character has He been revealing to you lately?
If an unbeliever asked you about Jesus, how would you describe Him?
Have you ever had to learn “even if He doesn’t faith” in your life?
What spiritual disciplines are you practicing lately to grow in your relationship with God?
What was your biggest takeaway from this message (and this series)?
Tell us a time where in order to represent God well you had to stay quiet.
Other than salvation, how has God shown you his extensive mercy and grace?
What experiences have strained your trust in God, while not breaking it?
How have you experienced or seen the judgment of God?
What needs to change for you to further surrender to God’s will?
What was your biggest takeaway?
When was the first time you remember hearing from God? What did he say?
Tell us a time where God stopped you from making a decision. If that hasn't happened to you, tell us a time where God assisted you in making a decision.
Being honest with yourself, what areas do you trust God with and what areas do you not trust God with yet?
What do you tend to believe or say about yourself that contradicts what God says about you?
Do you think you’ve thoroughly thought through and assessed what following God could and will cost you? Why or why not?
What was your biggest takeaway?
What little things that God takes seriously surprises you?
What phase are you in? And how did you come to that conclusion?
(Slavery, Wilderness or Promised Land)What do you need to work on to make the most out of the phase you’re in?
How has/did God show you his mercy through your wilderness season?
How has God used the things you’ve struggled through to help people?
What was your biggest takeaway?
Have you ever been on a missions trip before?
a. If yes, how did your trip impact you?
b. If no, what would it take to get you to go on one?If you could choose anywhere in the world, where would you choose to go on a missions trip and why?
What comes to your mind when you hear this statement? “God WILL use me to heal people and cast out demons”
On your first or next missions trip what would you hope to see or experience?
Did seeing the street ministry presentation change your idea of what evangelism on a mission trip can looks like?
What was your biggest takeaway?
How do you model respect for God in your family?
What do you think of when you hear the verse, “those who can be trusted with a LITTLE, can also be trusted with MUCH.”?
Have you ever believed that God was being unjust, and then later realized it wasn’t His fault at all?
Would you say you have ever begun to worship the blessings of God, rather than God Himself?
How are you taking care of God’s house right now?
What was your biggest takeaway?
How do you lead your family/household toward Jesus day-to-day?
What was a major idol for you that you had to destroy in order to follow Jesus wholeheartedly?
What are the top 3 things you are thanking God for today?
What the smallest thing (or the silliest thing) that you’re grateful for?
What’s a big spiritual “win” for you lately?
What was your biggest takeaway from this message?
How have you been growing lately, spiritually and otherwise?
Examining yourself, what’s evidence to you that shows you’ve grown in faith since becoming a believer?
Have you ever done exactly what God has told you to do then found yourself in a storm?
Have you ever managed to “sleep” (remain at peace/not worry) through one of your storms?
Describe the authority you have in Christ and how you’ve implemented it in your life.
What was your biggest takeaway and how do you plan to apply this message to your life?
What do you see as the biggest need in your community? Have you been praying that need is met?
What brokenness has God repaired in you?
What is the greatest story of God healing brokenness you’ve heard?
How do you disciple your household? If you live alone how are you disciplining yourself?
What needs to change about yourself in order to be a more effective ambassador for Christ?
What was your biggest takeaway from this sermon series?
How can you tell if you’re living off your own strength or strength given by God?
Is there a limit on the grace you extend to others? If so, where do you set that line?
As believers we are soldiers of God, so what comes to mind when you hear “soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life”?
How has God been preparing you for greater suffering?
How do you incorporate prayer and preaching/teaching into your life?
What was your biggest takeaway and how do you plan to apply this message to your life?
What is one thing you remember being taught about Christianity from the person who discipled you?
If you could share one truth about Christianity to a new believer what would you share?
What is a question you’ve been asked about Christianity? What was your answer?
Do you have any questions about Disciple Making Groups (DMGs)?
If you had to lead a Disciple Making Group next week what would your mindset be like and why?
What was your biggest takeaway and how do you plan to apply this message to your life?
Go around the room, and each person share one piece of the 3 circles message, using a whiteboard or piece of paper, until the whole thing is explained! (If you are finished before the circle is, keep going until everyone has a turn.)
Do you still have any questions about the 3 Circles?
Do you think you will use this system to tell people about Jesus? Why or why not?
Read Acts 1:8 again. Have you ever “received power” when the Holy Spirit has come upon you? What was that like?
Would you be interested in starting a group to learn more about Jesus with people who are open to believing? Why or why not?
What was your biggest takeaway from this message?
Do you have a lot of free time? What does your free time typically consist of?
How are you involved in your community (Besides Church)? If you’re not, any idea how you could get more involved?
Who do you look up to as a spiritual mentor? What impact have they had on your life?
Do you struggle with controlling your thoughts or emotions? Why do you think that is?
What are your goals and dreams for your life? Can they coincide with God’s plans for you?
What was your biggest takeaway and how do you plan to apply this message to your life?
How has Jesus been the hero in your life recently?
Have you ever given your testimony to someone outside the church?
What gifts of the Holy Spirit have you been given? (1 Corinthians 12)
How do you plan to be more intentional in sharing the gospel with others?
Who do you need to share the Gospel with and why them?
What was your biggest takeaway and how do you plan to apply this message to your life?
Where have you been reading from the Bible lately? Have you learned anything new?
What do you look back on as the best season of your life so far? What was your lowest season?
What has helped grow your patience? How can you get better at being patient both with God and people?
Do you find it harder to forgive yourself or others? Why do you think that is?
What state are you living in, in regards to God’s will for you, Outside, Permissive, or Preferred? And for those living in the Preferred what makes you confident you’re living there?
What was your biggest takeaway and how do you plan to apply this message to your life?
What’s one strategy you use to handle stress in your life?
How often do you take on challenges outside of your comfort zone? What helps you grow into the new comfort zone?
What’s one situation you’ve had to apply a lot of faith to over the past year?
As you’ve grown in your relationship with Jesus, has there been anything you believed about yourself, that Jesus had to correct and change?
What area of your life are you praying for victory or breakthrough in right now?
What was your biggest takeaway from this message?
How did you honor your mother this past weekend? If your mother has passed what is your favorite memory of her?
What is the greatest present you’ve ever received? (Besides salvation)
Who have you been witnessing to or praying for recently? Have you seen any change in that person?
Before becoming a christian what did you believe about life?
What is the first bible verse you ever memorized? Why that verse?
What was your biggest takeaway and how do you plan to apply this message to your life?